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Proposal Can we preserve HW's literature?


Legend of Altera
From reading Klypto's post mentioning the wonderful haikus composed by him, - I had been wondering about HW's literature and its fate
To my knowledge the most centralized library we had was Wake's academy, Evenfall, - yet it was closed and refunded and so we lost the place for many books and exhibits. We have a few preserved libraries with less extensive, but no less impressive, - book collections, - one of Ophelia Elodie Teuivae, played by Jenny, - another of Candlewood, the collective effort of Ice and Sankera, with the former also having additionally the Compendium library. There are, of course, some other private libraries, private and public, -- and a few in the Landing, - but they are all scattered around and mostly unknown to me.
What I am proposing here, - is that we create a library to preserve there as much literature as we could and compile a file of this library, so we can revisit it and read some of the works. Yes, - some of them are cringey, - but some of them are extraordinary, - there are books ranging from in-depth Naval Warfare, - to management of armies, - cooking, religion, - travel logs, - astromony, - "doltish" romances, poems, - and so on.

Please, - let's put our collective effort, - setting aside differences, - and preserve as many books as we can, collecting them in one place, - so we could enjoy them and remember. Write down in comments if you would like to help and how - building the new library, dedicating your library for worldedit preservation, sending your literature collections, - and your own offers.

Question to you too, - what's your favourite book from HW, - that sank deep into your memory?
Mine is an aforementioned "doltish" romance novel I am trying to recover, --- yeah, - I have a trashy taste :confused:
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I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
From reading Klypto's post mentioning the wonderful haikus composed by him, - I had been wondering about HW's literature and its fate
To my knowledge the most centralized library we had was Wake's academy, Evenfall, - yet it was closed and refunded and so we lost the place for many books and exhibits. We have a few preserved libraries with less extensive, but no less impressive, - book collections, - one of Ophelia Elodie Teuivae, played by Jenny, - another of Candlewood, the collective effort of Ice and Sankera, with the former also having additionally the Compendium library. There are, of course, some other private libraries, private and public, -- and a few in the Landing, - but they are all scattered around and mostly unknown to me.
What I am proposing here, - is that we create a library to preserve there as much literature as we could and compile a file of this library, so we can revisit it and read some of the works. Yes, - some of them are cringey, - but some of them are extraordinary, - there are books ranging from in-depth Naval Warfare, - to management of armies, - cooking, religion, - travel logs, - astromony, - "doltish" romances, poems, - and so on.

Please, - let's put our collective effort, - setting aside differences, - and preserve as many books as we can, collecting them in one place, - so we could enjoy them and remember. Write down in comments if you would like to help and how - building the new library, dedicating your library for worldedit preservation, sending your literature collections, - and your own offers.

Question to you too, - what's your favourite book from HW, - that sank deep into your memory?
Mine is an aforementioned "doltish" romance novel I am trying to recover, --- yeah, - I have a trashy taste :confused:
I still have the books and exhibits located in my storage.

It was my intention to make a new, more hidden region for the same purpose under a heretical, scholarly cult called the Kindred. I was to make this group with Catalyst, Sankera, Tomtom, Astal, Jenny and possibly Arget.
The storage where its all located is currently in that mountain, albeit an OOC storeroom we moved from under Nid Arach that I keep all my things in.

All the books are there.

The reason for this closure and change was a hard-pressed dislike of old lore that many considered "non-canon."
Whilst I found the concept of making something non-canon silly when it once existed and its foundations make up modern RP, there were indeed some books out of the 800+ tomes which were just... very non-lore-friendly which many pointed out the few.
Despite my efforts to move these books to the higher shelves as the "non-lore" sections in their given category, not many people took time to even learn the right-clicking bookshelf plugin.

As such, with Elz opening the Grand Archives-- an admittedly superior build with an active group of equally heretical demonic and ignite worshippers-- I closed Evenfall to usher people to either that one or Solus's new academy in Linlea.
I was also going to send a GREAT PORTION and carefully curated books to Elz's archive that were lore-friendly.

Sadly, the books never got sent after I picked them out because the server became dead back in December.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Mechanically, I don't know if its possible as I google it. When saving schematics, all playerdata does not transfer over, including chests, afaik. I'd recommend taking screenies of your favorite books if you don't want to lose it.

I am Wake You did good running Evenfall, by the way. The non-canon books were always odd, but you engaged a lot of old and new players, which was healthy.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
I am Wake You did good running Evenfall, by the way. The non-canon books were always odd, but you engaged a lot of old and new players, which was healthy.
Thank you.

I will not lie; I am very much hoping one of Hollowworld's offshoot servers will allow me another chance to continue doing the same work.

I have taken screenshots of the most important artifacts I have and am now currently going through the forums and my in-game books, taking notes of important names and facts on hand so that Lana may continue her work in preserving the old (and I suppose now new) lore.


He/Him, They/Them
I have software that allows for the recording of world chunks where one loads. In those chunks, as long as you open chests and load the contents of them ie books they are saved to file. If anyones interested, reach out over discord and I can toss the exe