Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Can't join


I have not been on the server for awhile and when I try to get back on it says on the server thing 1.6.2 version in red at the right I don't know what I have to do to fix it. so please help =)


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Do you have the correct IP?

If that doesn't check out, could you post the error message you receive? :D


Lord of Altera
It sounds like you're using the wrong Minecraft version. HollowWorld can't update to 1.6.4 until some plugins have updated, so we have to use 1.6.2

To do this, open the Minecraft launcher, and select "New Profile" in the bottom-left corner. Name it however you want, then in the "Use version" part select "release 1.6.2". Then you should be all set!