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Caparii names


Lord of Altera
looking in the racial census, you begin to notice a certain trend in the names people choose. this trend is... helpful in figuring out the specific naming system for caparii characters (which might prove important in the near future)

let me just copy-paste all the caparii names in the census:
Vernicus, Beylok, Ignattin Lily, Asphodelle, Benjamin Birchwood, Aven Orothia, Blunthoof, Salheira Rain-River, Keiri Rain-River, Narailt Bayhorn, Maplefur, "The Bull", Greyback
immediately you notice that most of them have descriptive names, typically related to plants (lily, asphodelle, maple) or other elements of nature (in the case of rain-river). the rest of the names are made-up fantasy words. last names seem to be uncommon among the caparii, as only about half of them have a last name at all.

you will note, that a lot of the made-up words tend to use vowel sounds a lot, along with consonants that are not-quite-full-stops, making the name flow much like a babbling brook. most of these names also have three syllables, and some are composed of two single-syllable words.

so here's my theory.
most all Caparii are given descriptive names, either referring to their physical appearance (Blunthoof, Maplefur), or some metaphorical hoo-ha whatever (Birchwood and Asphodelle, I assume). also for whatever reason, Caparii family ties are not as great as among, say, humans or dwarves or earthspawn, meaning that some caparii simply do not have family names.

but there's a catch.

see, since the Caparii speak fae...
Caparii names are made up of fae words.

what this means specifically, is that caparii with english language names are translating them from their fae counterpart. caparii with made-up word names are using their names in the original fae. (like the argonians in skyrim. some are Stands-In-Shallows, others are Neetranaza.)

to give the example of my own characters:

Salheira might translate to "river dog" ("river dog" being how you say otter in fae)
Keiri might translate to "falcon"

(admittedly, if Salheira's name really translated to "river dog," that would make her Riverdog Rain-River, which is hilariously redundant.) (not like Rain-River wasnt redundant already)

so yeah, people making caparii characters! think about this.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
So much yesss and really intriguing- I think your work to help the Caparii is invaluable.


"The Bull" was the name given and taken by the slavers and bandit escorts that held him for more than seventy years.


The rosiest of forests.
Eyota chose her own name, simply taking something that she assumed sounded nice to everyone else, as well as her, and sticking with it. If someone began to call her something else, she'd probably take up that as her name.

If this is a problem, however, I can try to change it. ^-^


Lord of Altera
"The Bull" was the name given and taken by the slavers and bandit escorts that held him for more than seventy years.
Eyota chose her own name, simply taking something that she assumed sounded nice to everyone else, as well as her, and sticking with it.
well if your character has an ic reason for their name, then that's fine.
I'm not saying all caparii are like this. only that it's a pattern I've noticed which implies a cultural naming convention for the race.
I noticed a few caparii on this server having grown up unaware of their own culture, to the point that they don't even know how to speak fae.
I wouldn't expect all caparii character's names, especially not the ones with that kind of backstory, to follow this convention.

like dude, I'm not the loremaster. I'm not even staff. I'm just a player who writes and theorizes way too much.