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Capt. Greyback


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Capt. Greyback
Name: Faén Rheir, every aspect of Greyback's name points towards his Caparii heritage, born and raised in the most typical of Caparii Greathorn tribes one might find. Named by his mother and father two days after his birth, the name is a comment on how quiet the baby was roughly translating to 'silent child'. I STOLE IT FROM HARRY POTTER ALRIGHT?
: Fenn is what he became known as once his life aboard the A.C.S Concord began.
Full Titles: -

Age: ~45 in Caparii years. ~110 in Human years.
Gender: Male.
Race: Greathorn Caparii.
Social Status: Outlaw by definition. Was no one of importance before.
Sexuality: Wouldn't know if you asked him, loosely heterosexual.
Height: Nearly seven foot tall, his massive frame is his most obvious physical trait.
Weight: 252lbs (18 stone, 114kg).
Homeland: A large Caparii settlement in a forest in the Sorrowlands.
Current Home: The seas and brothels of the New World.

Build: Bloody massive. He has hulking shoulders and stoops low through most doorways. His large, sturdy legs show off dangerous looking hooves, and his arms ripple with sinuous muscle.
Horns: In-keeping with the rest of his body, large. Spiralling back gently in the style of a ram's, he is lucky he's so big or he'd have neck problems. The ivory is a dull creamy-grey, matt rather than glossy.
Fur: Various shades of brown ranging all over his body. He has a thick mane of chestnut over his neck and head, and his fur grows lighter as it passes over his stomach, inner arms, and other core spots. Covered in most places by a very fine dusting of salt, hardly visible.
Eyes: A deep amber, quiet and brooding. Deep-set and animalistic.
Skin: Tough and scarred, showing more than a human lifetime of experience.
Identifying Marks: His huge size. His massive horns. His amber eyes. His... Capariiness.

Appearance: Holds himself proudly, and walks with a loping gait due to his Caparii legs. He's often a little hunched over because of his size and the cramped human taverns he frequents.
Clothing: An expensive-looking, well fitted Captain's coat. A rich navy blue with gold trim and white details, it hangs to his calfs, left open over his bare chest. He also wears well-made black breeches that are tight enough not to catch on anything but still provide plenty of movement and comfort. No pockets, except for a few inside his coat. A brown belt loops around the breeches under the coat.
Weaponry: A large boarding axe, with one sweeping curved blade, and one piercing point. Approximate size of the average large battle axe, able to be used as a hand-and-a-half axe by the Captain. Usually seen hooked onto Greyback's belt.
Prized Possessions: The only ones he has.
Hygiene: Regularly doused in sea spray. Smells of salt.
Voice: A gravelly boom. Capable of impressive volumes but is more often soft and deep.

Strengths: Physically, he has yet to find a rival. He is incredibly intimidating. He is capable of doing things that others would find morally wrong, if the occasion demands it. As a Caparii when he gears up to full movement speed he is incredibly fast, but like a bull, hard to stop.
+ Magic - He distrusts arcane stuff vastly, and would usually attempt to neutralise those he sees using it, or simply stay the hell away from them when he can.
+ Fire - Grows restless and uncomfortable around naked flames.
+ Claustrophobia - Speaks for itself. Only a mild fear, but enough to cause him discomfort.
+ Slow - Can be out-witted or out-moved, as he is not the quickest in either thought or movement.
+ Temperamental - Is easily angered, and slowly calmed. Sometimes acts rashly because of it.
+ Oddball - Thinks differently to most, making it hard for him to understand a lot of things. It also means he's likely to act unpredictably, or just plain strangely.
+ Bulky - Because of his lumbering size, he does not possess the most fantastic spacial awareness, and in small rooms is like a bull in a china shop.
Intelligence: Has a big brain that doesn't do much.
Languages: Common. Smatterings of Elven and Fae, but not enough to communicate well with them.
Profession: Blood, gold, and infamy.

Personality: Best explored through RP.
Religion or Cults: Would need to gain principles or a moral code before religious worship sounded appealing.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Short Term Goals: Live by the next pint and pilfered coin pouch.
Long Term Goals: -


Place: On board his ship.
Pastime: Violence, debauchery, and sailing.
Food: Hearty meats and roasted vegetables.
Drink: Strong rum and heady ales.
Colour: Rich navy blues.
Animal: Himself; he thinks that when the Caparii were created by Shalherana, they were done so using the best parts of Elves and wild beasts.

Least Favourite...
Place: Thick woodland.
Pastime: Waiting.
Food: Ship ration food.
Drink: Water.
Colour: Anything bright.
Animal: Anything that squirms, or waits in the dark to catch prey.

Loved: -
Trusted: -
Befriended: -
Liked: -
Neutral: -

Unsure of: -
Wary of: -
Afraid of: -
Disliked: -

Hated: -

Sally - Greyback full.png
Dacoutts - Greyback.png
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
Well, well, well...
Looks like we have a contestant...

One nickname! Two people! Who will win? Find out, Friday!


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
This character is a blank canvas of sorts. Hopefully the RPs he goes through will shape him nicely :)


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
As if no one knew it was me!
I even threw in my trademark "*Listens quietly.*"!


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
N'awh you guys :heart:

Generally filling things out. Can't wait to have more names on the relationship chart!


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