Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Casparov the red eyed: my story/ journal

Casparov the red eyed thats what they call me now. The strange, the traveler, all worthless. Once I was king. Once I was a half-god. I was a creation of the evil god kilrox. Among with 9 others, Bartof the evil, Elratia the vicious, Tormh the torturer, Maldor the traitor, Tulrid the cruel, Suriel the unholy, Rasiezel the deceiver, Gasuil the unkind and Tarmolof the dark. I may look like them, pale faced and red eyed. But I was not like them. When Kilrox created us to rule over the nether, I was created as last. Tired Kilrox was he made a mistake, Kilrox forgot to put his cruelty into me. So my name was Casparov the kind-hearted.
I wished to rule my lands with wisdom and kindness. I treated my people as my own children. But hatred grew in the hearts of my fellow lords. All they wanted was power and more land. My brothers and sister build up an great army to take my lands. I may be kind-hearted, it does not mean that I am stupid. I’ve been expecting an attack. I was prepared. When they started raiding I retreated to my fortress had build. Because of my kindness my people would fight for me, I did not wish it like that. We managed to hold them off for a while, but they were too strong. Ghasts blew up the walls. My beloved people got slaughtered. I wished to die with them. But I realized I may get revenge one day. I got trough the portal. I leaved my duties. I lost my powers. I was king no more!
I am trying to find my place between the races on earth.
Journal of Casparov the red eyed ( kind-hearted)

Day 1

I met Dead. He know’s where I am from but he doesn’t know yet what I was. Dead let me stay in his town.

Day 2

In the great port silver as they call it someone tried to sell fake diamonds. I don’t get the point.

Day 3

At night strange creatures come out and threaten the people of these lands. As my name was once the kind-hearted I feel it my duty to hunt that creatures down. I killed many.