Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Castle Calarath


Loyal Servant of Altera
Project Name : Castle Calarath
Code Name: N/A
Builders: Me and anyone who wants to help.
Size: Fairly large between 100x100 or 150x150 not decided yet. (size constructed in single player not final size.)
Pre built in creative mode (without decoration or detail.)
Hopefully to be aloud to be built in Southern Wilds so mobs can spawn inside (to add difficulty)
possibly turn into a quest, (near water to add scenery.)



Castle Calarath was built in 594AD by humans and was primarily used to torture traitors to the crown.
It's a fairly large castle with hidden areas and hidden treasure deep within.
The castle would be an excellent addition to the Hollowworld server as it would add another RP are for people to enjoy and collect prizes for navigating though the castle with friends.
Furthermore it could also play host as a battleground between two towns if a war ever breaks out.
This project will take about 1 day with breaks and material gathering to complete the template of this castle, adding another 1-3 days to fully furnish the beautiful castle.
Another reason why i believe this would make a great addition to the server is to add even more beauty to the amazing server we already have.

The plan is (if it gets turned into a quest or in the Southern Wilds) to add traps such as dispensers and non lethal pitfall traps to add more difficulty (this castle will be for the brave)
For anyone who conquers this castle will receive a secret prize (still to be decided) that i will gather and make available for anyone who finds the hidden room.

Hope this is interesting enough for this server.

many thanks



Lord of Altera
It's a good start, but maybe a little bit too square?
You should try out more types of stone, like bricks, half blocks and things like that. That way the building would be a little better looking. Also try to use a little more shape, instead of the square structure you've got right now.