Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Celebrant Character Profile


Lord of Altera
Name: Celebrant Norlander
Nickname/Alias: Cele, Legend
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Skin: Light-Bronze
Identifying Marks: A scar above the lip on the left side.
Appearance: He has a solid build with perpendicular shoulders and posture. There are thick cords of muscle running down his forearms into his powerful hands. His high cheekbones compliment his strong facial features and lean figure.
Strengths: He is a charismatic and skillful orator, and when he speaks it sounds like a bell ringing true. He has wisdom beyond his age, and so he is ahead of his time. He can shoot straight and handle a sword with the best of them. He has no deity; he is godless and unbeholden to any church or cult; his spirit is free and sharp; he has declared his ego and lust to rule: holy. He has a cheerful and prankish mentality, and recovers quickly from distress with his inexorable exuberance.
Weaknesses and fears: He is often nauseated at the smallness of man and the other races, and would sooner flee into solitude than stand among them, forsaken. He especially dislikes the stupidity of "the good" and "the just", and has a hard time working with such moral bigots for long. He is sometimes filled with pity for others as well, a soul-crushing pity for those who are soft and weak, ugly, sickly and weary of life. He takes much upon himself out of pity for others, that he might spare them suffering; in so doing he suffers.
Religion and cults: He worships no gods or God, having found them all lacking and all-too-human. He believes in the future of mankind and future generations, and values this world above all other worlds. For him, the earth is holy ground.
Profession: He is a scout and is skilled in hunting, trapping and gathering. He works with stone. He has skills in agriculture.
Backstory: From out of the North came this young man one day, in search of a new home and place of adventure. He arrived in Port Silver and stuck out like a sore thumb. BellontheWise assisted him in locating a city to live in: Warstrom, the city of stone.
After a day or two of checking out the area, he made contact with the residents and secured a plot of land in a corner. Now established, he is ready for what may come, whether it be fortune or misfortune.

((OOC: OK here is my bio!))