Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Character profile

Name: David sopinka
Nickname/Alias: D_sopinka
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: miner
Height: 5.9 Feet
Weight: 145 Pounds
Hair: brown
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Not too pale, but not to tanned
Identifying Marks: Nothing
Appearance: Average height for his age, A deep shade of brown for his hair. A lighter shade for his eyes. Favourite colour is Blue.
Strengths: An amazing sword fighter. A true miner at heart. Likely to win against a fire user.
Weaknesses and fears: he won't find any ores in the mine
Religion and cults: loves family and minecraft
Profession: a miner
Background story:Skar was a little baby while his parents were killed in a mining accident, a gravelanche collapsed over them. Skar grew up in the mine with his Uncle pete Skar was 7 when he realized the brutal reality of his living conditions he knew that someday he would get his ores together and make the tools that would lead him to a better life! Skar at the age of 16 knew all the hotspots for mining he collected his iron and crafted the pickaxe that would bring him to daylight evntually Skar made it out of the mine and gasped at the sight of a large jungle he traversed his way through the jungle learning how to climb and hunt remembering rumors of rogues that were in the mone Skar learned that what he was doing was similar to the skills of rogues he found a large castle and hopped the walls and found the kings treasury and stole he later learned his lesson by being thrown in the dungeon for theivary he came out and began a new life in the capital of the world Altera...