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Active Chieftess Ellie Strand - Guardian of The Tundra


Soul stealer
Retired Staff

Amazing art by Kamaoe

“The only person you can truly depend on is yourself.”

Theme: [ X ]



General Information:

Name: Eleanor Strand

Other Names: Ellie, Some people call her Eleanor but she isn’t fond of it. Strand. My Shadow (Gerry), El, Ellen

Titles: Chieftess of the Strandir, Countess of Stoltfar

Age: 30

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Current Residence: Stoltfar

Relationship Status: Happily Married

Social Status: Chieftess, Countess

Current status: Working, roaming.

(Artist )
Physical Appearance:

Height: 5 ft 5

Weight: 150 lbs

Eye Colour: Honey Brown

Skin Color: Pale

Shape of Face: Heart shaped

Distinguishing Features: Dimples when she smiles or laughs too hard, her nose is slightly skewed as if it were broken and didn't set right. She is often wearing light blue face paint under her eyes and across her nose, clearly smeared on by fingers.

Build of Body: Very muscular especially for her size, small bust with curvy hips. Though it can be hard to tell under her layers.

Hair Color: A dark reddish brown

Hair Style: Thick and wavy, it falls to her mid back, a couple braids here and there with silver and blue beads in them.

Complexion: Clear

Posture: Very Relaxed, Casual.

Is Seen By Others As: Stoic, uninterested, distant


+Very faint wolf-bite marks on her right shoulder

+A scar along the length of her left cheek bone

+A wide scar on her left shoulder

+a thin scar along her left bicep

+A scar on her head that is hidden under her hair

+A thin and faint scar on her right eyebrow

+A long scar along her left palm.

+A thin scar on the left side of her abdomen.

+Two small puncture wounds on the left side of her neck

+A thin white scar on the underside of her right arm

+Two more puncture wounds on her right shoulder

+A nick a across her chin

+ A cut across her nose

+ A long gash across her stomach

+ Scars along both her upper arms

+ A scar along her foot

+A scar on her left side

+Black scars that web out along her right shoulder and collar.


+The outline of a doe on her left forearm. [
X ]

+The entirety of her body is covered in blue rivers

+An arrow piercing a wheel along her spine in black [
X ]

Voice: Elizabeth, she has begun talking more formally

ellie chibi.png
(Gorgeous art from Catena )




Ellie is courageous, showing no sign of weakness even if in the face of a foe she knows she cannot defeat. As she has grown, she has suffered great trauma, but every time she is knocked down she gets back up again and stands her ground. In recent years she has grown very independent and actually prefers not to rely on others. Her once timid demeanour has escaped her and been replaced with a calm yet somehow stoic attitude. She will defend the ones she loves with her life, and is incredibly protective of them. In her time away from the world, she feels she has become more open minded. She has become very dutiful. She has become very good at concealing her true feelings and will use such to trick and manipulate people if necessary.



Ellie has intense trust issues and thus doesn't allow herself to make a lot of friends for fear of being hurt. She has adopted her mothers temper, meaning she can easily flick from relaxed to bloodthirsty and is incredibly paranoid. Her courage, though admirable at times, can also be reckless if she does not have the means to defeat whatever she is standing up to. Her life so far has been a tough one, and so her emotions are all jumbled, meaning she can be pretty emotionally unstable and very violent, especially when it comes to people she cares about. On top of this, she does not forgive easily, and does hold grudges. She does not often give second chances. Recently her paranoia has peeked, and it makes her rather restless, she has become increasingly anxious about people and their motives, meaning she finds most positive social interactions disingenuous. She is indecisive as of late. She battles with her own mind constantly and she can be very bitter. She can be a bit too casual about her own mortality. She is a bit too emotionless and can come off as cruel or rude. She has begun to expect the worst of people, so she comes off as pretty judgemental sometimes. Gerry is one of her weaknesses. She would also lose it if anything ever happened to him. Raigo and everything to do with him makes her very vulnerable. After spending a good amount of time in peace and quiet, Ellie's propensity for adrenaline has become even more of a problem. She can sometimes get fidgety about not getting a kick. She is currently struggling with anger management and she is especially triggered by lots of noise. This has become even more of a problem since her revival. She is even less in control of her emotions. Alvaro, her cub. She has sat idle for 9 months and is itching for some reckless excitement. She constantly relives bad memories, in her dreams and when she’s awake, an enduring problem that has resurfaced.

Beautiful art by Magic Intern


+People Watching+Security+Baking+Cooking+Singing+Water+Overpowering+Hunting+Adrenaline+Whittling+

Ellie enjoys watching and listening to people and things. Observing the world as it goes on, but never really inserting herself in it. She likes knowing that those she cares about are safe, and is easily upset by the slightest dangers. She enjoys baking and cooking as well as singing, though she’d never sing in front of a crowd. Over time she has developed an interest in water, specifically the ocean. It can entrance her at times. She enjoys the thrill of having power over someone, controlling their fate. She has begun to enjoy hunting again. She is a bit of an adrenaline junkie, but has recently tried to counter this and instead taken up whittling.

+Loud Noises+Masks+Magic+Theodra+Most People+Overly-righteous people+Assumptions+Faking+

One thing Ellie has never gotten over is her jumpiness, meaning she is not a fan of loud and sudden noises. Her paranoia means she does not like suspicious characters, particularly people who wear masks. Ellie does not like magic in any form, divine or arcane, and there are only a few mages and blessed that she actually trusts to use it. Her distrust for people in these disciplines is fast turning into hatred. She either hates or dislikes anyone who isn't family or a close friend. She does not enjoy overly-righteous people. People assuming she is anything more than she says she is. Feeling as if she has to put up a front. Uncertainty. Snakes. Helplessness

+Wolves+Failure+Drowning+Attachment+Losing Loved Ones+Trust+Vulnerable+

Ellie isn’t too fond of wolves, and has many nightmares about losing the people she holds dear or being unable to protect someone she loves. She is afraid that she will continuously watch people drown. She has become scared of attaching herself to the wrong people. Losing Leighton Losing Segar again. Trusting people. Being Weak. Losing Raigo. Snakes. She fears she will never fully remember who she was. She also fears that what she does remember she will not like. Being a bad mother. Getting close to and caring about people.


Education: Fairly good.

+Elvish (Fluent)

General Attitude: A typical, stoic northerner. Distant. Somber. Prone to random outbursts of anger for seemingly no reason.

Religious Inclination: None

General Intelligence: Quite cunning.

General Sociability: She simply seems uninterested in anyone's business except her immediate family's.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Short Term Goals:

+Make bows
+Find some fun

Long Term Goals:

+Protect her loved ones
+Lead her people well
+ Matter.
+Mother bear

(Artist: Anna Helme)




+Lots of layers, lots of furs. Steel chain hauberk under gambesons of either blue, grey or black, followed by leather armour pieces and thick leather boots and gloves. When she is in a warmer climate she loses the thick furs and switches for thinner gloves.


~A bracelet given to her from her mother (Nylarii's)
~Black Pearl necklace
~Several gold piercings on each ear
~Amulet of Maebh, a silver necklace with a milky quartz gemstone
Provides immunity to Maebh's Animancy Passive
+ A gold ring on her left eyebrow
+ An antler crown that can be decorated with gems or left bare.

+A pet horse named Thunder
+A pet frog named Pumpkin

Owned Homes: A home in Eldpoint, Isalene, Steadfast, Ildsted Castle

Carried Inventory: Her sketching book, a sewing kit, her bow and some arrows (12 usually carried) . A small flask of whiskey. A plain looking dagger. Some food. A small length of rope. A leather bound book baring her crest. A silver wedding ring with a V engraved into it. Two Altham Family silver coins that she keeps on her at all times. She carries a couple small wooden pendants and a carving knife. A black pearl from Maebh which she has had fashioned into a necklace. Solid Gold Trout bones transmuted by Cymic.

General Inventory: Only what she can carry, plus some extra arrows and materials for clothes.

General Wealth: Well off



Illnesses: None

Mental: Symptoms akin to Post Traumatic Stress

Allergies: None that she knows of

Injuries/Ailments: None

Sleeping Habits: Bad

Energy Levels: Average

Eating Habits: Normal

Exercise Habits: As much as she can.

Memory: She still has her moments but it’s mostly there

Unhealthy Habits: Drinking to forget, adrenaline junkie

Drinking Habits: Often


Birthplace: Stoltfar

Childhood: Raised by Tryg and Odette with Segar, as well as any other person who would pop by. Lived through many traumatic events, including watching her dog get killed in front of her and her brother almost kidnapped. Grew up mostly alone.

Teen Years: Continued to grow up mostly alone, apart from the people of Stoltfar, developed an interest in sewing and dress making, as well as baking. Tryg and Odette died and she decided to start following her brother around. She travels to Linlea and ends up being involved in an assault, returning from the ordeal; she finds skunkgoop has drowned, and tries to save his corpse, She returns home for a while, Thordil hosts the memorial for their parents, she has a falling out with Segar, she begins making cloaks to give to refugees, Dar'ket has a mental breakdown in front of her then drowns too. The archery lesson, Segar gets kidnapped, Segar is returned missing one eye. She traps Eliyana, has a falling out with Segar and Gerry, leaves alone and gets killed. She returns with no memory of stoltfar in the middle of a fight between Reynard and Segar.

Adulthood: Reynard kills Segar, she shuts herself off from the world, Segar returns, she officialy ends things with Reynard, she isolates herself for a time, returns only to endure more emotional torment. Ashild is born, returns to drama and fighting and almost getting knocked out, saying goodbye, arguing with Segar, abandoning Theodra and finding her own strength, She spends a few months training, hunting and speaking to the statue of her parents. She finds strength in Valiant's doctrine and returns to the world a new woman. She joins the Order of Valiant. She has a brief moment with her ex, but after almost killing Cloud, realises she has been stupid, argues and threatens him, and then they part ways. She begins training. Segar kills Reynard. She burries him an covers up his murder. She fights with her own morality and becomes more and more closed off. She joins the hunt of the Giant boar. She joins a quest to Nid Arach and later sees Valiant in person when he speaks to Raalvara. She runs away. After some time alone, she decided to abandon her home and live life on her own. She officially becomes first mate of Ardaric’s crew. She travels to the sorrows and makes it out without a scratch. She forgives Reynard. Gerry leaves to find his family, leaving her feeling very alone. After getting herself into some awkward situations, she has a rather large falling out with Ardaric, but remains first mate none the less. More arguments with the crew and she decides she’s had enough and goes into hiding again.



She returns to find Ardaric has broken into her house, and, after punching him in the face, is offered a position as a Royal Guard in Eldpoint. She sneaks into Stoltfar under the guise of a pilgrimage and is rather suddenly made to realise the full consequences of her actions. She becomes emotionally closed off, focusing on her job. She escorts Leighton to many places and stops him from being blown up by Aldris. She begins investing herself in Eldpoint more, and grows closer with its citizens. Her mouse is kidnapped and uncle threatened. She saves Leighton in the naval attack. She rescues Jocasta. She finds her voice again. House of Proctor is born. She goes to Lyon with a party and rescues Gilles. She becomes very close to him. She tangles herself in Aldris’ plots and schemes. Leighton sends her on a Solo mission back to Lyon where she almost loses her life but is saved by Marcus who then dies in her arms. She returns to find Leighton has gone off on his own somewhere but soon returns. Segar appears in Eldpoint and they reunite. Feeling energised by her now happier life, Ellie leads a party to Rosehill and following a small confrontation hits her head. She falls into a coma for three weeks. She returns to find her father is alive again and that Leighton is sick. Leighton’s father causes trouble. With the help of Segar and Raigo, Ellie takes down Royston and Aldris, She falls for Raigo, She spends some time in the Landing socialising for the first time in a long time. The incident with boodmother, she falls out with Raigo, she makes plans to take a break. Gerry returns, she sort of makes up with Raigo, Raigo is killed, she isolates herself, she argues with Gerry, she grows more and more angry, her heart shatters, she begins to lose her sense of purpose or desire and starts picking up bad habits just to get a kick. She slowly becomes more and more impatient with politics and her role in the south, and confronts her feeling of being an outcast within her community. She starts spending more time doing things that she enjoys and begins the process of stepping down as captain. She moves back to Stoltfar and begins resuming her position there. Bennett shows up and she starts looking after him a little bit. They hike and find Axex in the mountains. After some things go down in Blackrush, Ellie agrees to escort a fragile Bennett to Varynhall with Axex. She begins growing attached to their little unit. Once the evacuation in blackrush is lifted Ellie briefly returns to Stoltfar and is asked to lead by her brother. She is warned of a possible threat and says her goodbyes to her two companions. She heads back home, but not before visiting Leighton. She is visited by Raigo who apologises for the past, and quickly their friendship blooms once more. She then bumps into Reynard. He tells her her will go for good. She is left feeling a little strange, and anxious. Ellie and Raigo confess their affection to one another and quickly fall deeply in love and become inseparable. She meets Ava, and does all she can to make her like her before they have to tell her the truth. She invites people to build shrines in her bow building. They tell Ava and she is not happy. After being apart for a while, Raigo assures Ellie that everything will be fine and she starts making plans . Ben gets cursed and she spends some time looking after him. She hosts a traditional hunt and feast, but when the hunt starts they stumble onto poachers. She is stabbed, and then helps take down an Elchbar. She tries to patch things up with Ardaric for Raigo's sake. She mends her relationship with Ava. Gradually she begins socialising more and feeling a sense of belonging, but then she takes part in a hunt for a vymbat, and then ends up involving herself in a religious skirmish which only results in making her feel horrible and so she shuts herself off again.


While trying to re-immerse herself in society she has several falling outs with her friends including one that leads to her decking Cymic. She has a falling out with Raigo which becomes the final loose thread in her sanity. She bumps into Reynard and, already emotionally unstable, becomes enraged and challenges him to fight her. He instead kidnaps her and holds her for ransom. She is rescued but in a great deal of pain. Raigo kills Reynard. She does her best to recover while trying to handle people. She gets engaged to Raigo. In a trip into the tundra her party encounters a wildegroll, it takes her out first, and so she is left bleeding in the snow while the others defend themselves. She dies on the way home but is revived. She recovers her memory, and then becomes pregnant. She works in building stoltfar and then rests until Alvaro is born. She finally marries Raigo and spends more time working on Stoltfar before heading south to protect Leighton after his rebellion. She, Raigo and a small party follow Leighton to the final battle, and just when victory seemed to be in reach, Leighton was stabbed. Ellie tried desperately to help him, but in the end she held his hand as he died. She mourns for him deeply. He returns, but Ellie is never quite the same. She spends a long time away from the world, simply looking after her immediate family and the Strandir, not bothering to care about anything else.

Family History: Strandir

Past Places of Residences: Stoltfar, Palmwood, Storm's landing, Eldpoint, Isalene

Places Traveled: Mockingbay, Linlea, Sul Feir, Linistel, Storms Landing, Palmwood, Eldpoint, Astrakhan, Lyon, Rosehill, Isalene, Blackrush, Varynhall, Blackstone, Arduin, Norskerra


Peaceful or violent: She is very violent


+Wolfbite - Dagger sheathed on thigh.

+True Strike - Her Masterwork Recurve bow [
X ]

+A steel and redwood machete that used to belong to her mother on her hip

+Jergerstyrke - Her father's Bastardsword.

+Snowfang - Her father's Longsword on her other hip.

+Her mothers battle axe

+ A steel heater shield passed down in her family

+Mercy - A battle axe gifted to her by Edger
5 feet in total length the handle is made of spruce wood given a coating to make it darker. It's able to be wielded with one hand but it has enough room to utilize both hands if needed. The axe head is made of treated steel having a dark appearance, the edge is sharp and has a heel that can be utilized for hooking opponents.

+ Her Ceremonial hunting knife that interlocks with Raigo's

Combat Training: Strong knowledge of both ranged and melee combat.



Training & Skills:


[ x x x x x x x x x X]

Bow making:

[x x x x x x x x x X]


[ x x x x x x x x X x ]


[ x x x x x X x x x x ]


[ x x x x x x x X x x ]

Ranged weaponry:

[ x x x x x x x x X x ]


[ x x x x x x X x x x ]


[ x x x x x x x x X x ]


[ x x x x x X x x x x ]


[ x x x x x x x x X x ]

Axe wielding:

[ x x x x x x X x x x ]

Other Trivia:

Occupation: Ruler. Huntress. Mother

Favorite Types of Food: Jerky

Favorite Types of Drink: Whiskey

Hobbies/Pastimes: People Watching. Hunting. Whittling.

Favorite Colors: Greys and blacks and sea greens.

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Soul stealer
Retired Staff

(Note: The animals in brackets represent the carved pendants that ellie has given to these people, and thus the animals she associates with their personality)

Soul Bound

Name: Raigo (Wolf)
Percentage: 100%
Relationship: Home. Father of her children. Husband
Quote: "You don't understand just how much you've improved my life, do you."
Description Her soulmate. To Ellie it feels as if they have climbed mountains to get to where they are, and that they are stronger for it. Though she cannot completely quell her insecurities, she is utterly devoted to him. She would fight the gods themselves to keep him beside her. Now married, Ellie looks forward to spending the rest of her days with him, and knows that there is no more perfect match for her or better leader for her people. He is her rock, through it all. She is most grateful to have him now, especially since last time she had no one. They fight side by side and mourn just the same. He is perhaps the only person left in the world that she doesn’t want to protect herself from the pain of losing, but only because she knows they are better together and that loving and being loved by him will always be her greatest achievement.
Theme: And I love you so - Don McLean [
X ] Becalmed - Robin Beanland [ X ]

Name: Alvaro Trygvi Strand (Cub)
Percentage: 100%
Relationship: Her son. Her light.
Quote: Ever since she was a little girl Ellie dreamed of marrying a handsome Prince and having a family of her own. As she grew, fear and resentment made her swear off of ever being a mother, but now that Alvaro is in her life she is beyond happy. He is her little miracle. She won’t let anything happen to him.
Theme: Farewell Aragog - Nicholas Hooper [ X ]

Name: Bennett
Percentage: 96%
Relationship: Little Ally
Quote: "Dunno why that part matters to you. Just move forward."
Description: Her little brother, though secretly she feels more like he is her own child. She is so happy to see him finding his feet, making friends and experiencing new things. She would do almost anything for him, and will protect him with her life, through whatever there is to come. She loves him dearly. She wishes she could relieve him of his guilt, but knows very well that he got his stubbornness form her. After watching Leighton die her guilt over her own death has deeply overwhelmed her. She realises fully now what he felt in those last moments, and wishes she could take it all back. She wonders if she should protect him from her, from that happening again, but secretly she is just afraid of losing Ben and having to go through it again herself.
Theme: All we do - Oh Wonder [
X ]

Name: Avalyn (Turtle)
Percentage: 96%
Relationship: Daughter
Quote: "I’m sorry I hurt you"
Description: Ava is Ellie's daughter, even if she is not her own blood she will never stop treating her as such. She adores her, not just because she is Raigo's, but because she is herself. She knows it will take some time to adjust but she will endure anything to keep her happy little family. Her heart aches at the thought that her death did so much damage, but now that she’s back she’s going to do everything she can to assure her she loves her.
Theme: Slow Up - Jacob Banks [
X ]


Name: Segar
Percentage: 93%
Relationship: Brother
Quote: "We're sticking together now, no matter what"
Description: Segar has taught Ellie a lot about family, and not always positive things. He has also taught her the most about herself, who she truly is, and what it means to be different from what was expected of her. He has relieved her of guilt, and provided her with new responsibilities, but most importantly he has taught her that loving someone sometimes means giving them space. She is reconsidering some things.
Theme: Holocene - Bon Iver [
X ]

Name: Theo
Percentage: 88%
Relationship: Uncle
Quote: WIP
Description: Theo has shown Ellie the truth of loyalty, standing by her and her family for decades without faltering. He helped her in a time of crisis and was the first person to show her that family is not always blood.
Theme: WIP

Name: Axex
Percentage: 85%
Relationship: Elderly Companion
Quote: "If not for Stoltfar I might try and keep you here."
Description: Like Bennett, Axex has taught Ellie it is okay to desire company, and that being alone doesn't mean being strong. He has also brought back a lot of laughter to her life. She is delighted to see him whenever she can. He never fails to make her laugh.
Theme: The Gambler - Kenny Rogers [
X ]

Name: Amelia
Percentage: 75%
Relationship: Goddaughter
Quote: TBD
Description: Ellie can remember holding this little girl moments after she was born, now she is quickly growing into a lovely young lady. Though she can be a bit of a snob, Ellie knows there's more to it than that. She hopes she can teach her more about the world, and about how to speak up for herself. She knows she has failed her. She is afraid to see her again and confront that truth


Name: Thordil
Percentage: 75%
Relationship: Estranged Uncle
Quote: WIP
Description: Thordil has protected Ellie and her brother and stood by the both of them. He has been a strong ally as they grew and changed.
Theme: WIP

Name: Maebh (Cat)
Percentage: 70%
Quote: "Well stop, it’s annoyin’.”
Relationship: Cat
Description: Ellie views Maebh almost as a sister. She is protective of her, and enjoys her company. She knows that things have been said that can't be unsaid, but she appreciates the sacrifice Maebh has made just to make her feel comfortable. She will show her the same respect. Her threat to use magic on her will not go unnoticed, even if she didn’t manage it.
Theme: This Bitter Earth - Dinah Washington and Max Richter [
X ]


Name: Cymic
Percentage: 60%
Relationship Description: Funny Ass
~A friend. Something she has grown unfamiliar with. She knows now that he flips back and forth like a switch, but she will continue to hold onto that reassurance that he does actually care about her at least a little bit. She'll still deck him if he crosses a line though, but she thinks he can appreciate that.

Name: Ardaric (Turtle)
Percentage: 60%
Relationship Description: Ex-Captain
~He has taught her to choose her allies wisely and to be careful about who she trusts. In hurting her she learnt that she doesn't need anyone else to be strong. She wants to believe she can trust him, just to make life simpler, but there is always going to be a part of her that thinks he's got an ulterior motive. She is slowly being reminded why she enjoyed his company so much, and yet she still remains cautious. He helped save her. She will always be grateful for that. Even if he just did it for raigo.

Name: Thryss
Percentage: 55%
Relationship Description: Fellow Huntress
~Ellie enjoys Thryss' company but she is wary of her recent acts of kindness, though she doesn’t believe it is in the nature of Theodrans to keep their cards close to their chest. She will take it in strides.

Name: Therese

Percentage: 50%
Relationship Description: Segar’s Babysitter
~ She was there for her brother when she failed to be. Ellie is happy that her brother has found someone.

Name: Branko
Percentage: 30%
Relationship Description: Long-term punching bag.
~Ellie has not always been entirely fond of Branko but overtime their banter has kindled a friendship. She finds herself growing concerned for him from time to time, and enjoys spending time with him. Recent news has caused...complications she is sad to admit that pushing him away has hurt her... but she refuses to let anything push Raigo away from her.


Name: Reynard
Percentage: 0%
Relationship Description: Dead
Quote: "Just Yield"

Impact: Her feelings were complicated every day until the last when all she felt was hatred. Finally free from him and yet she’ll never be free from the horror he caused her in that shrine. He's gone now...and she is better for it.

Name: Eimar
Percentage: 10%
Relationship Description: Enemy
~A dead man walking.

Name: Odette
Percentage: 100%
Relationship Description: Mother Bear
~Her deceased mother was anything but friendly, and though she could sometimes be terrifying, Ellie always felt loved and safe in her presence. After Odette passed, Ellie lost a sense of security, and immediately adopted the 'Mother' figure for the clan, but emotional torment lead to her spending many nights dreading becoming her. Beyond fearing that now, Ellie only dreads what the afterlife will bring her, as she knows her mother will never forgive her for abandoning her brother. This thought is becoming more and more present in the back of her mind.

Name: Tryg
Percentage: 100%
Relationship Description: Stag Father

~A warmth, a fire that went out before she was ready. Ellie adored her father and even idolised him for most of her childhood. Just like her mother though, she felt a lack of security when he died. A devoted worshipper of Theodra and, at the time, her only blessed, she was trained in his footsteps. However, later complications with love and faith lead to a childish resentment of Theodra and thus, of her father's beliefs. Ellie regrets ever even slightly feeling this way towards him. An immense weight has been lifted from her after learning that he forgives her, and yet she cannot entirely forgive herself.

Name: Gerry (Dog)
Percentage: 96%
Relationship: Her Shadow
~ Her oldest and closest friend. She loved him dearly, and she knew that he loved her just as much. If not more. They shared in many traumas together, and he kept with her despite all the needless hardship she put him through. He was a constant source of joy in her life, until he wasn't. Ellie has not seen him in a very long time. She has moved on from mourning their relationship, if anything because she knows she is not the woman she was when he left.

Name: Leighton (Stallion)

Percentage: 98%
Relationship: Brother
Quote: "Nobody's perfect"
Description: Lost. Failed. Ellie is haunted by the image of the life fading from his eyes, and the feeling of his hand going limp in hers. She blames herself entirely. Her brother, who she endured so much with, only to watch him die. She will never forgive herself. Never recover. Never let anyone get that close anymore.
Theme: Early sunsets over Monroeville - My ChemicalRomance [

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Soul stealer
Retired Staff
+ Drew with James in her first spar
+Helped kill the big white boar.
+Survived a trip to the sorrows and helped bring back a specimen
+Earned nobility once more after abandoning it.
+Helped rescue Jocasta
+House of Proctor
+Lyon madness
+Destroyed Aldris and Royston
+Opened her own shop
+Became a countess
+Opened the Hall of Beasts Hunter’s lodge
+Had the last laugh
+Got engaged
+ Baby!
+ Married the love of her life

+Big boar.
+Alexius the thug
+Two mercs - one sparta kicked off a mountain, the other shot in the back of the neck as they ran
+ Two more Mercs at the eldpoint palace

1. Murdered by jishrimites in the lost frontier as part of an ongoing craze in Linistel, her dismantled body was sent in a bag to Stoltfar.
2. Severely wounded by a wildegroll, though it was eventually defeated she had to be carried back through the tundra by people who were not familiar with its landscape. She bled out before they made it back to Stoltfar.

Colour palette


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The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
Oh hey! The baby Strand! I guess she can't put ribbons in Az's hair anymore though. lol.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
I forgot to poke this last time i did updates so:
+Added outfits
+Added a little divider thing I designed
+Life events
+New theme! Cause who doesnt love a bit of Landslide

Poke me if you want relations and/or if you have any idea of what I should do with the second claim, i wanna be creative with it ^-^

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
I'm confused about Azariahs relation. But shes dead if you wanna take it off. Lol