Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Christopher's profile.


Name: Christopher (rest of name is unknown)

Nickname/Alias: Christopher

Age: 19

Gender: Female to Male

Race: Human/Demon

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 7 stone

Hair: Natural brown – frizzy buzzcut

Eyes: Black contact lenses

Skin: Average white

Identifying Marks: Stutter, shyness, distant from others, clumsy, bold, child-like, inexperienced.

Appearance: Brown mask, green and brown rangers overalls. Doesn’t look very approachable.

Strengths: Skilled with a pick. Sweet-talker. Is a stealthy miner, when he’s done mining he’s good at sneaking out of the cave he was in.

Weaknesses and fears: Weak physical structure in general. Not very good with a sword. Fears being found by people from his native homeland.

Religion and cults: No religion – is teased for not believing in that “rubbish”.

Profession: Works as a miner in Darkwood, gathering minerals to help the town.

Backstory: Christopher was raised by Zombie Pig-men in the Nether. His mother is a slime and his father is an Ender dragon. The mix created a humanoid demon. When she was 2 years old, Crystal (now Christopher) was enslaved and imprisoned for her difference.

When Crystal was 12, two adventurers came by carrying some strange diamond-like gear. “Uh h-hello s-sirs?” she said. The one with the wavy blonde hair looked at his companion with wide eyes. There was an eternity of silence before the blonde’s companion said “what are you!?”. Crystal didn’t understand. The two men walked away, their footsteps echoing through the hallways of hell. Crystal tried to cry but knew she couldn’t, she wasn’t born with the ability. She heard the two men talking in the distance and pressed herself against the iron bars cubed around her cell. “Here! Open it here, it’s our only chance, you don’t wanna go back to that lump of burnt flesh in the cell, do you?” One of them said. There was a blinding flash and Crystal snapped her eyes shut. After what seemed like hours, she opened them again. There was purple glow coming from the other end of the corridor. One of the iron bars to her cell had been broken in the blast. She crawled outside. Fast-walking forward, she saw where the purple glow was emanating from. It was some kind of portal… surrounded by this purple stone-type thing. Beyond it she could see lots of…grass? She didn’t know these things, being held captive all her life and that. Whatever it was… it looked happy, she ran for it.

As Crystal entered the portal, pain seared through her body. It was like she was being turned inside out. Gradually, her body showed up on the other side of the portal. Her skin felt… smooth. She was wearing green and brown clothes and a brown mask, and she knew she must hide her identity if she wanted to stay here. It felt wonderful wherever she had landed. “I shouldn’t be Crystal anymore” she thought aloud. And with that… off Christopher went.


Zalenfal Guardian
Why is Christopher/Crystal a "stealthy miner"? Has s/he had cause to develop this ability, or was it precautionary? And what is your character's alignment (good/neutral/evil)?

Your character profile looks pretty good to me, is there more to come? :3


Why is Christopher/Crystal a "stealthy miner"? Has s/he had cause to develop this ability, or was it precautionary? And what is your character's alignment (good/neutral/evil)?

Your character profile looks pretty good to me, is there more to come? :3
S/he is a stealthy miner because s/he's been in the wilderness for a few years before s/he even discovered Altera. S/he would've had to adapt to the new world and learn to fend for hi(er)mself. Crystal/Christopher isn't a very strong person to begin with so being sneaky is the best way to go about the night. His alignment is good ^_^

I don't know, didn't think of that. Might make a seperate journal or something.