Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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ChubbyBagalboy's new character - Walter Clyde

Name: Walter Clyde
Nickname/Alias: He prefers Walter Clyde

Age: 847
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5,4
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: White
Eyes: Black
Skin: White
Identifying Marks: He is always seen wearing a blue suit
Appearance: He always wears a blue shirt and has a bleached white beard.
Strengths: He cannot die by age, And he is very good at stealing things from people. Very clever and good with a blade swinging or throwing.
Weaknesses and fears: He does not have very much upper body strength. He is horrible with a bow. Also he is not very good at meeting new people. Also he has a lack of trust towards people.
Religion and cults: He doesn't have any religion.
Profession: He's a baker for Witches Brew, but he has a vast knowledge of the way things work

Back story: Walter Clyde was born 847 years ago. Even though he's that old his current health age is 98. He was cursed by his sister a priestess. This curse was supposed to make his life end in a mere day. But it back fired little did she know that he had created a potion to reverse the effect of any spell. So when she cast this on him he was cursed to live forever. After his sister realized this she tried to assault him being old as she was and not at all adequate with combat he easily subdued her. Although he didn't kill her, he would not kill his own sister. After capturing her and tieng her to the pig sty for his own humor he sat day and night feeding her and giving her water. Day by day she grew weaker until finally she died. Hew wasn't stricken to see her go he realized he is the last living member of the family and will be the last. So he set off to explore the world. Town after town he went and acted like a sweet old man but he was a cunning thief who took from the towns folk. At these towns he didn't know why but he could trust no one and many did trust him until they're pockets felt light and you could see him grinning from across town. He often felt a deep anger when he saw a church and he wasn't ready to accept the fact that his sisters death affected him. At each of these towns however every place he went to and left one priestess went missing. Many looked at him and accused him for these murders and many tried to arrest him. He would resist just enough to cripple and knock out some of these guards which got him chased out of towns. For two hundred years he searched until one druid showed him the truth. This druid used a spell to show him what happened. Walter watched from a overhead view as he got out of bed at night and kidnapped a priestess. Horrified at his actions he continued to watch as he tied the girl to a wild pig and sent it running. After seeing this he went into a trance of thought for what seemed like five minutes but he was really resting for hundreds of years. During this time he reflected on his actions but could not see the injustice in his ways. He was taught that the gods forgave any one yet his sister a servant of god tried to kill him. This causes him to show them no mercy towards all servants of the gods. And so he emerged from his hiding place deeply conflicted with emotions and is some times calm and some times angrier then a demon. Realizing his house is covered in moss and cracked stone he realized this was his chance to start anew. He pondered in his head will he become a thief and murderer or a kind old man and share his knowledge and story with someone and eventually trust people.
Hey every one....if you read please give me feed back (not my best work I was out of ideas) but negative and positive feedback is helpful your ideas are welcome. Thanks :D