Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Karuk-thol


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Karuk - Thol.png

Karuk-Thol is the public face of House Hawklight the city is home to their allies embasseys as well as many of their own ambassadors along with other skilled workers such as the builders and engineers that work on their lands both in Karuk-thol and the others. The city will also become home to the great archives, records kept on all of the houses lands and citizens along with collecting other tomes from across the land.

The city is considered to be almost impenetrable with only one entrance and sheer drops outside the walls. The smaller mountain Karuk-thol is attached to serves as the transport hub for most of the Hawklight Lands as well as the city providing emergency shelter for the rest of the lands in times of war.

Players who wish to become a part of Karuk-thol and the rest of the Hawklight lands should apply here -