Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Warstrom


Loyal Servant of Altera

City Name: Warstrom
Current Mayor: OSirixO
Deputy Mayors: Doodleuk, Arkkaine, Dauntless001, Runeologic, Wrayh.


In Warstrom, the temple is dedicated to Laets, the god of Storms, seas, lightning, might, and sailors. As Warstrom is a city based by the ocean, sailing, and the water play a large part in the livelihood of the people who reside there. The people in Warstrom pray to Laets so that they may sail the seas of Altera, knowing that the wind will be on their side, and that the water will favour their passage. Warstrom tradesmen have also been known to worship Bilworth, the god of travel and trade, and many of the architects and builders in the city put faith in Korog, the god of craft, solidity, stone and labour.

Warstrom is the seat of the noble house Tricupis whose words are 'Strength, Seas and Glory', a noble house dedicated to craft, trade and the upholding of order and justice within the realm. House Tricupis enjoys favourable relations with numerous other noble houses and settled towns. We are currently part of a coalition with house Hawklight, House Searden and House Hammerite and we can boast a longstanding friendship with the Wizards conclave, formerly known as the wizard’s college of Uthrandir. House Tricupis opposes evil and unjust behaviour in all of its forms from petty banditry to the forces of Queen Grief herself. Our Warriors fight and train in our very own arena within the city where many a tournament has been held, we constantly prepare for the day our skills may be needed to strike our enemies down with righteous indignation.

Tax Rates and Plot Costs:

Warstrom is a completely free community. Residents do not pay taxes and plots are free.


Not so long ago, a great Corruption struck the land of Altera. Many people lost their lives, and many towns and cities were buried or lost in the chaos. Warstrom was one of those cities.

Once great and prosperous, Warstrom was a safe haven for all. Within Warstrom resided some of the greatest minds of the era. The people of Warstrom, master Architects and builders, were an independent people. They worked hard to support themselves and to constantly improve the City they lived in. Making it more glorious and more impressive over the years. Warstrom was a large city, home to many. The city was surrounded by magnificent walls of marble and stone, and was certainly an impressive sight to all who witnessed it. However, this was not to last.

When Queen Grief escape from the void and started wreaking havoc across all of Altera, the people of Warstrom grew wary. Refugees started to arrive at the gates of Warstrom, beaten and bloodied, having fled the forces of Grief, and as time passed, more and more refugees from the surrounding towns came to Warstrom to seek shelter, food, and safety. Before long, the city was packed. The streets were lined with refugees, homeless, helpless and with no place to go. Dark days had come to Altera, and everyone knew it was only a matter of time.

As the days went by, the flow of refugees coming to Warstrom slowly trickled to a halt. The city received almost no contact from the outside world; the last news being the Capital, Port Silver was under attack and trying to fend of the corruption. Before long, the skies above Warstrom began to darken, and the people knew the day had come, when Warstrom would be put to the ultimate test.

The forces of Corruption descended upon Warstrom like the plague. Demons, monsters and all sorts of horrible beings poured from the mountains to the north of the city. The residents and refugees of Warstrom put up a good struggle. However, they consisted mostly of craftsmen and architects. They were no match for the armies of Grief. The city was overrun. Lava and fire rained from the skies and the earth trembled as the once grand city was torn to the ground.

The surviving townsfolk vowed that Warstrom would rise again, better, and stronger than ever.

Never again would Warstrom fall prey to the forces of Grief and Corruption.

Present Day:

Leaving the aftermath of the corruption behind them and making their way through the newly opened gate to the new world the survivors of Warstrom headed off to find a site worthy of settling on, it didn't take long to find an extraordinary area that had everything that they could hope for; a tall unforgiving ridge line with a flat plateau on top, access to the seas and rivers and fertile grasslands all around surrounded by hills and mountains that would keep the city safe. The citizens immediately put themselves to task creating the foundations for massive walls that would be both nigh on impregnable and unscalable, the ridge the city was to be built on was made even more imposing to discourage any would be climbers looking to scour up the cliff side.

The Walls and numerous buildings were thrown up as quickly as could be done, ploughing head on through any problems as is the Warstrom way, before too long the featureless ridge that had been chosen for settlement was starting to look like a grand city worthy of the name 'Warstrom'.

Warstrom is now accepting new residents and welcomes any interested individuals, we have a few build restrictions but are not overly critical, we have a largely British / European resident base at the moment but we do have a few American residents also, please note evil characters / demons / assassins will not fit the RP theme of the city.

Planned Builds (and Works in progress):

- Theatre
- Stables
- Shops
- Guard Towers
- Farm (Outside walls)
- Gambling Hall

Prominent RP professions:

Mayor - OSirixO
Town Assistants - Arkkaine, Dauntless001, Doodleuk, Runeologic, Wrayh
Building Regulator - Arkkaine
Stonemasons - Doodleuk, Runeologic
Redstone Engineers - Doodleuk, Runeologic
Mage Apprentice - Runeologic
Banker - OSirixO
Wool / Pelt / Food Trader - Dauntless001
Foreign Affairs Official - Dauntless001
Guard Captain - Vandraymen
Guards - Vandraymen, DrusustheDumb
(all other residents are part of a militia)
Man Sheep Priest type thing - DrusustheDumb
Town Dwarf - Wrayh
Blacksmith - Wrayh
Apothecary - Chewie9901
Armourer - Miyham
Town Drunk - Doodleuk (on occasions)
Town Punching Bag / Scapegoat - Anight
Anight stand in / Replacement - DrusustheDumb

Available jobs:

Outpost Labourers
Arena promoters / commentators
Harbour master

Permissions for Outsiders: Build - Off, Destroy - Off, Switch - On (Means you can open doors etc.), Item - Off.

To Join: Send a PM to Arkkaine, Doodleuk, OSirixO, Dauntless001 or Runeologic either in game or on the forums. You can also reply to this forum requesting membership.


An album containing many more images and providing a more in depth view of our town can be found:
Here (Slideshow)
And Here (Album)
This album will be frequently updated, so pop back for another look when you can. :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
Blacksmith and 1 of 2 farmhand positions are filled, hurry and join us now to take any of the other jobs, or suggest a job I might have missed.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Healer (or does that count as priest? if not I volunteer!)
I had thought of adding a doctor / healer, if you take the job i'd like you to work with the Apothecary (when we have someone in that role) in getting potions and the priest for blessings.


I think I might like it here
Do we not need dock hands? Seeing as our city is on the water.

Oh and the arm armourer position is filled, by me


Loyal Servant of Altera
Aye yes the Armourer, Blacksmith and Apothecary positions have indeed been filled, I suppose we could have a harbour master, don't know how I didn't think of that.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Aye you may join us, speak to one of the residents mentioned above in game, they'll get you sorted out, I would but i'm at work atm :( , as for a gambling hall its certainly an intriuging idea, i'll discuss it with the council.