Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Colbinator99. Appeal for Unbanning


Lord of Altera
Hi everyone. So the last time i logged onto the server i'd just donated as i had the intentions of starting a town with my friend vanar.

I've just attempted to log on and it says that i have been for paypal reasons?

I don't quite understand the reason behind this, All i've done is donated to the server that i love and now i've been banned and i don't know why, atleast some clarification on why would be nice.


The original mute
I'll say this so a mod doesn't have to, you'll have to wait for cherbert on this. It is one of the more obscure reasons though.


The Ghost of Altera
Alright. Cherbert has identified that there may be issues with the account you are donating with. You are not banned due to being in trouble. Your are just banned till we can figure it out what's going on with the issues we identified.


King ForumStalker
If there is any way i can help i'd be happy too.
Find out if anything odd is going on with the account itself? Perhaps check your emails for paypal related issues. That's the best advice I can give since pretty much only Cherbert knows the full extent of the problem.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
As far as I can tell you have made 3 donations. 2 of the most recent ones Paypal have withdrawn for investigation - so I can only conclude that the payments were made without your mums permission and that she has identified these payments as potential fraud and reported them to paypal.

I suggest you speak with your mum urgently and get her to speak to paypal regarding this issue.

In the mean time I will unban you but your rank will be reduced to Lord and 30,000 rads removed.


Lord of Altera
I can see where you would assume these things but she did them for me, I not knowing much about paypal but after she did it for me it said something about investigations but she didn't even know what it meant.
Thanks for the advice and ill get her to have a look.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
I can see where you would assume these things but she did them for me, I not knowing much about paypal but after she did it for me it said something about investigations but she didn't even know what it meant.
Thanks for the advice and ill get her to have a look.
Thank you.

And sorry for banning you - I only did this as a precautionary measure and to get your attention.


Legend of Altera
good to know
hope to see you soon because the hole ive been hiding in waiting for ya is getting lonely :'(