Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Could you help us?


Lord of Altera
Hey guys,

My clan and I have just had to change our YouTube channel and well, as you can imagine we have lost all our subscribers and likes and videos. We originally had a partnership with TGN, but they ripped us off and took all the credit and advertisement money for our OWN videos! We are hoping to re post all our videos and maybe get a partnership with a better YouTube partner such as Machinima. Anyway, I guess what Im trying to say is: could you take a look at us, and if you like us hit like and subscribe? We already have 214 subscribers and you can be expecting twice a week content using a HDPVR! Now you may just be thinking "ahh well your just doing CoD videos I cant be bothered with that", but dont worry we will be posting BF3 ,MW3 minecraft, WoW and maybe even Lotro video's as well!

Much love,
Scoobsy (i.e Trace Volt)

Here's our channel: