Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Crann Bethadh - Forest Sanctuary


Lord of Altera
Send me a link in pm to the thread you refer to epik because i cannot see anything there?

Also this is our towns census thread and its not a place to discuss RP events thanks!

Tdog the 1st

I think I might like it here
Olaf, my friend! Earlier today, Crann recieved two unofficial residents who seek my hospitality, and wish to have their own quarters within my home. After all, I would love to let them live with me, for they saved my life many times today. Right now they are seeking shelter behind my home, and they are using the canopy of my tree-home as shelter from the weather.

Here is a spot I think would be a a great place to put and entrance/exit (marked with cross hair):

Here is another spot that I think could also suffice as an entrance/exit (where the leaves are low to the ground):

This is only a request my friend, and feel free to deny it if you think the town would be better off with out it.


Tdog the 1st

Tdog the 1st

I think I might like it here
Olaf, I'm trying to put bookshelves in my basement, and the best place to put them is in the wilderness. In fact, half of my basement is considered wilderness. I would really like to be able to put some bookselves in my basement, particularly in the spot that I can't build them in. I have a project I'm working on in there, and the way I have it set up so far is great, but I would have to rearrange everything to put the bookshelves in a different spot, and even if I did, it would look best to put it the way I already have.

Next time you see me on, could you /msg me on this matter?

Thank you!

Tdog the 1st


Lord of Altera

If you need a bigger place where there isn't wilderness, I just made a room for chickens that will not be used because of the communal chicken farm, and we could use this room for what you need, and you could have all the rights you would like. This would save money for other projects Crann has in mind.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I would like to join this town but would you accept someone who would like to build his own house?
I hope i could be accepted.
Benijim a.k.a Rastacain


Loyal Servant of Altera
1. I have been playing Minecraft for 4 years.
2. My rp character is called Rastacain (or ras for short) He is a male wood elf which would be perfect for the town.
3. I like to climb trees and be high up in the world (height wise) and love good views.


Loyal Servant of Altera
1. I've been playing minecraft for about one year and half

2. My name is jack and I'm just a humble human traveler known for being a jack of many trades. I travel through many new worlds learning the masonry of great builders, the sport of hunting from the most primal of creatures, the prosperious farming of nature itself, and the great mining and smithing of forgotten kingdoms. I finally have come to a point in my journey where i don't quest for knowledge but peace and place I can call my own.

3. Building, Mining, Hunting, farming, exploring