Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Cube World


Burner of Worlds
Looks beautiful. Bet it needs a decent graphics card to run like that - there are so many moving entities and the detail level of characters is pretty high. For all its faults minecraft still runs pretty well on old hardware so I hope cubeworld does too.


Lord of Altera
Just read the blog and found this:
Cube World FAQ

Q: What is Cube World?
A: Cube World is the project name of a voxel-based exploration RPG currently in development.
Q: Where can I download the game?
A: You can't download it yet because it's still in development.
Q: When will the game be released?
A: When it's done. :)
Q: Will it be free?
A: No.

"Will it be free?
Damn :p


Retired Staff
The graphics are awful, this will never take off. Who even plays games with garbage cartoon graphics anyways?