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Culture of the Reds (some extra lore for Caparii)


Lord of Altera
I wrote this. I figured perhaps someone would like to see it.

the Reds were originally a part of normal Caparii culture, a long, long time ago. however, because of disagreements that no one can quite remember, they left, choosing to defend nature without need of elders, villages, or civilization. from that point on, they lived as wanderers, and still do to this very day.

Daily Life:
it is rare to find a Red in the forests. for reasons unknown to most of Altera, they chose to live in the barren wastelands of the world. snowcapped mountains, arid canyons, vast grasslands, anywhere rocky and lacking in vegetation. some have even taken to living in caverns or abandoned mineshafts.

most Reds carry nothing, only wearing a red cloak on their backs that they keep clean and free of holes. their hair is typically cut short, and is unadorned. they tend to hunt for their own food, catching prey with their hands and teeth. Reds that live close to cities may end up turning to begging or thievery to get food.

given their wild, scavenging nature, the horns colloquially referred to as "booties" are usually just hollowed out horns or conch shells, roughly fashioned into a makeshift instrument. their distinctive noise is due to the placement of holes on the instrument, and the specific way in which a Red blows into it.

as the Reds prefer a solitary life, their villages are practically unheard of. those that do exist, however, typically only consist of about half a dozen caparii in small huts that are typically dug directly into the land.
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Lovely lovely - Though I am curious of the bit about Vermella. If all the Red Caparii of your culture worship Vermella, we unfortunately cannot add it...


Lord of Altera

...the name... it makes sense...

Mich I went over this with you. why didn't you tell me there'd be a problem like that.
you said it was fine.
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)

...the name... it makes sense...

Mich I went over this with you. why didn't you tell me there'd be a problem like that.
you said it was fine.
Here, lemme quote what I said and hopefully clear some things up :D