Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Cynthia Galletne's Stuff - skins, photos, more~


Lord of Altera
Let's get right into it then.

First up we have my first skin.
It's a combination of White Mage and Alice in Madness.
Originally I just modded the colors of the Alice skin, and was running around with that.
I mixed em up, tweaked the colors, added/removed parts.
I'd love comments, critiques, etc.



Lord of Altera
Is that Verba?
A Nakam translated that for me as "Oh god that's a lot of skins!"

It's only a couple, but the pics are muey big


Lord of Altera
That is internet language. It's simple:

Ermagurd - oh my god.
derts - dat's - that's - that is
erlurt - a lot
erf - of
skerns - skins