Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Dark Knights Watch


I was the captain of a mercanary Brigade, from land very far. I was highly thought of from others, be that men of honour and men of gold. I had both, the respect from the men and the gold for there purses. However it was my last mission of which led me here to your lands. I was paid to capture a man of ransom, however this man was under the watch of there great king. This was no easy task and i knew what would have happened if i was caught but i took this mission. Many call me a fool and some call me brave, but i have no cause other than to keep my mens purses filled with gold.

This mission was assigned by a political party who opposed the king, not a rebbellion as these were men of peace. They never spoke ill of our king but did challenge his mercy many times. There goal was to allign a brute force of soldiers to fight for them for many of these party leaders lived on the outskirts. But the king did not want to waiver his 200 personal guard for the help of the outskirts.

Although i was from the outskirts i was not one to really care for the men and women who lived there. I had the courage to leave and make some thing of myself so why couldnt they, i would only give people the tools to do there job not do it for them. So when taking this job i was given 300gold pieces which would fill many of my mens purses 2 times over. Which seemed to keep moral up whilst i explained the most dangerous mission my men would have seen. The target we wanted to collect without paying a ransom was a high ranking member of the Outskirt Political party. This man was kept in a guard cell near a mountain with 30 heavilly trained and armoured men. He was the only person in this mountain when we turned up.

We took him from his chains and just walked out, without hurt or fault but as we left, we noticed a smell of burning flesh. This smell of death and blood lingered in the air as we left the opened castle, it came closer every step the smell was ghastly. Then it struck.....

Fire from the forest tree line these men were still alive whilst they hanged on sticks with there skin clinging on to the fire. There screams shouted out into our soals. But these men were dressed with the symbols of the king. Many scabbards and chestplates were halfmelted into the skin of these poor men we hadnt time to find what done this to them. We got to our lair with our target and recieved our gold but we still wondered what had cause this much harm.

The King found this very disturbing that there are men out there that could possibly cause this much harm and ferosity. He sent his spies to every corner of the earth to find the ones who had done this. However the finger was pointed to my Brigade, and we were summoned one by one to death whilst we slept. Every one of my men fell to the blade or by an arrow each night we lost a man or maby two night by night. Until it was only me, i was sentanced to death by fire just as those men on the mountain was. The Executioner was the lies of scarred men. But many friends worked alongside the king and i had helped many guards as i grew up. So escaping this injustice was not hard.

I gripped the Black Sail boat which took me away from this place and my new life starts, with no weapons, armour or tools. I headed for an uncertain Destiny.....

Only one thing i now know, My name is now Knight Tuckster.