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Darth_Eden Ban appeal

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Hollows Explorer
Dear Hollow World,

I was banned for using an x-ray mod. Why? Well, the truth is, I had downloaded a mod that let me see in the dark. But the question was brought up if I was using x-ray, and after explaining it was just a mod to see in the dark, i went to go look up the version I downloaded and ask a Mod if it was okay. Turns out, the version i was using also had x-ray mod installed. Immediately after finding this out, I went to search up how to remove it. To tell the truth, I had never known what branch mining was until I was told about it yesterday. I never used torches because I had the brightness mod on.

Now, I know it may seem like an irrefutable excuse. But I implore you, please, this is the most fun i have ever had on any server before! Never before have I been on a server that was at my maturity level! Never before have I been able to really be myself!

I express my Sincere apologies to Hollow World, and whatever my punishment, I will take without an Argument. I know that since i am new, and haven't had the time to create a reputation, but I would love the chance to make one! So please, I implore you to rethink your decision! No matter the punishment, your server is an absolute work of art. And for that reason, my donation will stay with you, to better the experience for all of your other players.



Hollows Explorer
I understand. No further argument here. The server and people are amazing. You won't be soon forgotten. Thanks to lovelorn, for showing compassion beyond measure. Thank you to everyone. :)


<3 Hollow World
Darth_eden - That's a very nice apology :)

I think in fairness though you should lose a majority of your diamonds to prevent unethical gain from the mod you were using. I've unbanned you as requested by the mythical figure above :p


Hollows Explorer
I absolutely agree. And thank you for the compliment halfmad. You should have seen the way my parents raised me. Yes sir and Yes ma'am. No elbows on the table. Church on sunday or a week of Groundation. i could go on, but i think you get the point :p
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