Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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de_zanta[Approved - Legion]

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Loyal Servant of Altera
1. Your Minecraft username: captain_de_zanta

2. Your real name: andrew/andreas henry vandixhoorn(name changes in different countries do to duel citizenship)

3. Age:16

4. Gender: male

5. Country: canada
6. have your read the tome of citizenship. yes i have read the tome of citizenship do you fell about the roleplay aspect of the server. im not used to it nor am i a very social player. i am joining because i wanted to give it a try. the role play aspect i figured would give minecraft a more attractive feel. i mean i am getting bored of regular minecraft servers so this is going to be a big change for me
8. can you tell us something about yourself some info. i am a citizen of canada and holland and the us and england due to family issues. so as i mentioned my real name is different depending where i am. i have dislexia in my hands and have a knee injury so i dont play many sports. but i do play paintball sport hunting rifleshooting archery and throwingknives. i dont want to give away were i live due to this forum being available to anyone. i will say i live in london ontario in the western district. the area i live in is 90% Arabic. so of most of my new friends here i am the only one who speaks english fluently. my direct family is fairly small in comparison to my complete family of 1270 people approximately people die and people are born so i don't know the exact number. my mom's side is very relaxed and general more friendly but my dads side is highly religious. so i consider myself fairly cultured. if i haven't mentioned it i have poor eyesight and have minor adhd and dyslexia so i find typing somewhat difficult. and just to let you know my letter p key is broken it is hard to use so if you see a word that seems weird that's why. i have a dog he's 8 weeks old and he is named rio. i have been laying with him basically since I started typing this whole thing

9. can you give us a reference to some of your work. i have no pictures but i have a reference . if you have seen or used the tale of kingdoms mod i am or was until the new update that came out the main architect for the buildings in the mod. i am no longer working on the buildings because i have moved away from the programmer of the mod so its hard to give him the files if its a 2 hour drive eigther way so its no longer worth it. plus when i go to attach the folder it says to big i choose a pic it says to big

10. is there anything else you would like to share with us. i have pretty much said everything i can think of i do not think highly of my self but treat others as a superior but also as a equal. you treat them with respect but dont let them treat you like dirt. shadride ma riech

11. are you aware that the use of black magic is illegal. haha yes i know the ussual no flyying no xray well if your donator theres a fly but only for trees and building and no griefing etcetera in short don't be a general ass. dont take or sleep in others houses or buidlings etc. dont dig 1x1 holes to bedrock no strait up towers in the air no constantly active pistons. replant melons if you take them from a comunity farm not all only some of them the ones you can did you find out about the server. a friend that recommended it to me after we watched a youtube video by someone in the server. he is Darkwave8892 i belive he is a member of warstum. i have known him for a few years but i had to move away when my parents split for the 3rd time. he is a reference for me i guess

13: yes i have voted for the server.
OK i created a new account with my roper age i did not make that last account my brother did he always sets his birth day to n9v 27 1990 so he can get in to any website thanks for telling me that was why and sorry for demanding it i just wanted to know. i did as you mentioned and added more


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
You should check out the altera census thread before actually logging in, it will give you an idea of the towns, and which one you may want to join.


Loyal Servant of Altera
You should check out the altera census thread before actually logging in, it will give you an idea of the towns, and which one you may want to join.
my mc user is captain_de_zanta i keep trying it says im not whitelisted i think you may have used caps while typing it because it doesnt work with caps i know that from past servers


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
We have a slightly new whitelist system, it may take some time for us to get to you, we have a lot of people to whitelist, you will certainly be in in a few hours.
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