Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Debrown & Co. Farm Products


Lord of Altera

Debrown & Co. Farm Products, found at Heaven’s Reach, has just opened! We offer all the farm products you could ever need - fresh produce, animal products, and cooking ingredients. We sell in bulk to bakeries, tailors, scholars, cooks, fletchers, and more. We also sell individually at our shop stall located at Heaven’s Reach, though you can request items to be delivered personally to you.

We are willing to barter and haggle for prices. Prices and products are as shown below (prices due to be adjusted):

*Carrots - 2 radiants
*Potatoes - 2 radiants
*Melons (slices) - 5 radiants
Beef Steak - 10 radiants
Pork Steak - 10 radiants
*Pumpkins - 10 radiants

Sugar - 1 radiant
*Wheat - 1 radiant
*Eggs - 1 radiant
Milk (Must supply buckets, we return them filled) - 2 radiants

*Sugar Cane- 2 radiants
Feathers - 1 radiant
Leather - 10 radiants
Wool (colors available: dark grey) - 5 radiants

*Sold at our stall in Heaven’s Reach

If you require a supplier for your business or are looking to fill empty market stalls, please ask for Samuel Debrown, Joseph Debrown, or Aisling Garrow of Heaven’s Reach.


Lord of Altera
We don't sell spices IC, but things such as squash, corn, barley, etc. we sell for IC radiants (meaning you buy the product, but don't have to pay actual radiants for them because you don't get an actual item for it). We've had the idea to ask the admins if it's possible to get a bunch of items renamed to represent the non-MC food products, but we haven't gotten to it quite yet.


Lord of Altera
We don't sell spices IC, but things such as squash, corn, barley, etc. we sell for IC radiants (meaning you buy the product, but don't have to pay actual radiants for them because you don't get an actual item for it). We've had the idea to ask the admins if it's possible to get a bunch of items renamed to represent the non-MC food products, but we haven't gotten to it quite yet.
That sounds pretty good. Therry might come by sometime to buy some of those produce.

And if that renaming-food-for-other-things is a thing, I'd like to know, because I do that a lot.