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Decayable Leaves not Decaying


Lord of Altera
Hey there I have cut down a tree or two that were already on the map and the leaves are not decaying. I have changed the flag on my region to be /region flag [region name] leaf-decay allow. The trees that I planted and cut down decayed fine. But it seems that the trees that were already on the map before I got here are not decaying.

Please halp.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Hey there I have cut down a tree or two that were already on the map and the leaves are not decaying. I have changed the flag on my region to be /region flag [region name] leaf-decay allow. The trees that I planted and cut down decayed fine. But it seems that the trees that were already on the map before I got here are not decaying.

Please halp.
Those are custom trees and don't function the same way other minecraft generated trees do. As far as I know, you'll have to remove them yourself.


Lord of Altera
There is a ruegion flag tree decay allow
Yea, I had tried that. It worked for trees which saplings I had planted. But the custom trees that were already on the map when I claimed the land, they wouldn't decay. What Cap and Niah have explained make sense. Thank you though. :D


Lord of Altera
You can fix it within your own region by setting the flag for leaf decay to true. The command for that would be /region flag [region] leafdecay true


Lord of Altera
The command for that would be /region flag [region] leafdecay true
Yeye. Thats the command I used. Still didn't affect the custom tree leaves. Which is fine I just used shears on them to get the leaves and I will use them elsewhere. Thanks for the feed back though guys! Youve been helpful!