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Declaration of Reclaim


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff

An announcement sent firstly to the land of Ashstadt before traveling to major cities to spread the news. Copies are sent to all major kingdoms of Altera.


"To the people of Ashstadt. I, Xandar Dranovich von Ivanov, hereby reclaim my due title as Tsar."

"My brother, Matthias von Ivanov, has already abandoned his promise to these lands once before and I cannot risk him doing it again for the sake of our city, and our people. He's proven himself deceitful and distrustful to ones who have called him their ally and I don't know where his priorities are anymore. The lands of our late father, Aleksei Ivanov, were entrusted to me before his departure and as the holder of his crown it is my legal right to uphold his wish as his heir."

"Let it be stated here, in my voice alone I write this declaration, and in my voice alone I ask for your support till the return of my Father."

Tsar Xandar Dranovich von Ivanov


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Make this nightcrawler-looking-ass twerp eat dirt

Sergeant Freedom

Lord of Altera

These would be posted to the prior in all cities within the reach of Ashstadt. Criers would also be sent to spread the news.
It would be spread by the current Tsar, Matthias von Ivanov

"I would like to make known that Xandar von Ivanov is likely being made a puppet by the contracted of Dranoden. He has shown himself countless of times to not be in total control of his actions, even surrounding himself with all those currently possessed. Carmine, Artesia, Melarue, and Bernard were all present and can be persumed to be working with the enemy. Bearing this in mind, siding with him is siding against the pantheon and all blessed that wish to stand with him are knowingly and willingly putting their blessings on the line. He is likely and unknowingly serving the enemy and this is the reason why I have done what I have and why I will continue down this path. If you still wish to continue, come and meet the blade with those that are on the correct side of history."

"Dranoden is no different from the Ivory King being that he is the enemy and all that serve him make themselves such. I do not want unneeded bloodshed to end this petty dispute of power, but I simply cannot allow Dranoden anymore steps into our realm. A foothold as powerful as Ashstadt simply cannot be given and I am willing to put my life on the line to defend that."

“With this decision made by him, he has given all right to the position of Tsar and leader of Ashstadt. While he still remains an Ivanov, he will not hold any political power within regions our family owns until the time of his removal of Dranodens cult. His claim to the title is nulled until this is done and the standing eldest son supports Jaz’Gil in her taking of position.”

"In the end, Aleksei Ivanov would agree in this front. He too would stand against this foe in even a more formidable way as the Exalt of Ignis and the first Tsar. However, I am not him but I do share his never-ending resilience to beat back the forces of Dranoden. I will do as he would, as he taught me to do. Come one, come all, to witness the battle of worshippers; let us see who ends up victorious"

"May Valiant give us Strength, and may I live up to my fathers wishes of me. I will not lose."
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