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[Deepforge] Lanternhollows


I think I might like it here
Backstory: He'd labored feverishly throughout the night, trying to coordinate the timing of the aft piston with the main chute feeder and was running out of time. Altera seemed to be lacking the facilities for this kind of research, and he'd resorted to building sprawling constructs on the open plains of the Frontier after the sun had set. It was a substandard arrangement, but it would have to do...
Dawn was coming, and with it came that creeping sense of dread: the sky was about to be washed out with harsh, unforgiving sunlight. Oh how he longed for the old city: the cool air of the tunnels, the soft illumination of the glowstone, the comfortable gloom one can only find below ground. Yes, the time has come to purchase a claim and construct a proper dwarven workshop: a deepforge.
Weeks of exploring the frozen North have led him here. The air is crisp, the night sky is clear, and the bones of the mountain are sound. He feels the gathering of fate in his hands as he readies his pick.
Strike the earth!

Description: First and foremost, Lanternhollows is intended to be an enormous underground workshop for engineering research. While questions of a magical, alchemical, or biological nature are best left to the scholars at a university - questions of a physical, chemical, or mechanical nature are best pursued in a well-appointed manufactory. Lanternhollows strives to be a leader in redstone machinery, in the applied sciences, as well as a repository of engineering knowledge.
Lanterhollows may also function as a home for dwarves and others that are vulnerable to 'surface sickness' and feel uncomfortable, anxious, or even nauseous after spending too much time above ground. Built entirely underground, Lanternhollows offers a place of relaxation for those poor souls to conduct their business in comfort.
Settlement name: Udilugosh Dum Nisgak (Lanternhollows the Mouth of Frost)
Settlement type: [Deepforge]
Mayor: Urist Stonebreach (arcosanti)
Asst. Mayors: n/a
Current Wealth: All the redstone you can eat
Current Size: 43 chunks
Expansion goals: Approximately 100 chunks total - enough for the mountain itself.
Coordinates: Entrance at: x 6552, y 93, z 2196
Landscape: Ice Mountain

Current residents: Urist Stonebreach (arcosanti)
Applications: All engineers, tinkers, mechanists, and gearmongers are welcome to apply for a fellowship at Lanternhollows - however, be aware that the entrance exams are quite stringent. If there are sufficient facilities, subterreanan dwellers seeking a refuge from the surface will also be given consideration.