Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Delete my inventory if needs be.

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Alex the Strange

Loyal Servant of Altera
It is probably likely that you don't unban players after having been banned a second time. However this time I feel that the solution to dilemma has very simple. Delete the items that you suspect that I have stolen. Even if you dont have a plugin or ability to do so, let me destroy them, it is not like if I dont comply you can't ban me. I haven't been active in game a whole lot so, if I had stolen items they wouldn't have been much use.

I am sorry if this situation has caused any stress to players or any of the admin team. This can easily be ammended, and i would enjoy the mercy and forgiveness if I am let, yet again, back onto the server.

Alex the Strange

Loyal Servant of Altera
I don't know, I was off the server for a couple months or so, then when i rejoined I was in what an admin at the time called kings playground, and he teleported me out.


Why did you then proceed to grief the sacred grounds of our Kings Playground?

Alex the Strange

Loyal Servant of Altera
I was tempted by the demon Cubeydoom... I didnt know it was so sacred that I couldnt take stuff, just seemed like the smart thing at the time.


I see, interesting. Though why did you then proceed to deface the crown of High King Sherbzz(bless his name), the co-creator of our wondrous realm !?


You got me very angry demon! You stolen My Sherbzz Statue's Crown and Koer's Big Diamond Ore pixelart, everything! You thief!

Alex the Strange

Loyal Servant of Altera
I'm so sorry, i had no idea that the damage i was doing would have such a negative impact. I didn't know what that world was, and it was the second time i had been there, so i decided to explore and when i found the statues, i decided to mine it.


I'm so sorry, i had no idea that the damage i was doing would have such a negative impact. I didn't know what that world was, and it was the second time i had been there, so i decided to explore and when i found the statues, i decided to mine it.
Bad call ;) Appeal denied.


Clearly Incorrect, King's Playground is not Altera world, this is testing, Backup, building and thing! it's not freebuild!

Thank you.
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