Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Be sure to "Get Whitelisted" to join the community on server!

Did 1.8 delete some whitelists?


I was whitelisted awhile ago, then stopped playing for a little while. When I saw that the server was updated, I tried to join, but I am no longer whitelisted!

Any ideas?

Do I need to reapply?


Dead Man Walking
After a period of inactivity, player will become de-whitelisted. You will need to re-apply after perusing the rules again. Luckily, for your re-application you do not need to do "The Test" portion, and I think a few other portions as well.


Lord of Altera
I was whitelisted awhile ago, then stopped playing for a little while. When I saw that the server was updated, I tried to join, but I am no longer whitelisted!

Any ideas?

Do I need to reapply?
Nah mate it ain't broken, if you were gone for a long time you need to reply for whitelist :)
Edit: whoops I didn't check to see if it was in this section


Lord of Altera
After a period of inactivity, player will become de-whitelisted. You will need to re-apply after perusing the rules again. Luckily, for your re-application you do not need to do "The Test" portion, and I think a few other portions as well.
Actually players must completely redo their applications after being dewhitelisted, there was a smaller version of "Re-application" but it was removed after players gone more than a year misunderstood its use.