Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Do you hear the people sing?


Lord of Altera
I Will start this off to say that The Crown is gone and replaced with a council, I would wish to know, what is all the thoughts we all have? Rebellion against the Silver Council... Support it? It is of course too soon to tell, but of course in the Spirit of Jax, I say we Discuss the future and even take some bets?


Lord of Altera
Erlewis would rather like the new council, but he's on a vision quest, so...
Kalar really doesn't care either way.


Lord of Altera
Queen Leminth has destroyed the Rule of Altera, in sacrifice of herself. .

The Palace will be left as a memorial.

The Neutral Territories (Server Builds) will be managed by the Staff. The Silver Council is a collection of NPCs who will govern Port Silver, Sorrowlands, handle taxes, rents, etc. and thus on.

Everything not claimed by a house is Neutral Territory, as is every Server Build.

NPCs will be controlled by the Silver Council.
The Silver Council controls server builds, is there really something to rebel about? They're not controlling anyone and only managing the server regions.


Non sum qualis eram
The entire thing about the silver council is that we're telling you, ironclad, that for tremendously obvious, we-should-not-need-to-explain-this reasons that we won't let the place new players come to be on our server decend into anarchy.

The silver council is effectively directed by the server management. Your answer to if you can rebel on the completely apolitical, neutral entity that exists solely to facilitate events and RP is a no.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
The "Silver Council" is essentially Management Team of the Staff.

We'll keep an eye on server-owned spaces.

Everything else, have fun.

In RP: Leminths last act was instating a Silver Council.