Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Do you want to be beautiful?


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Well sorry, you can't. But you can live in the same house as true beauty!

Aster Master has been a bit lonely in his manor lately, and Jon's leftover scraps can only fill a man so much.

He would very much enjoy the company of another inside it. Doesn't have to be romantic, however he will sure make it seem that way.

By bunking with Aster in Master Manor you get the following perks:
  • Well free housing (duh)
  • Permission to ask for permission to use the underwater disco-dome.
  • Enough wine to make a dwarf get liver poisoning. (practically drowning in the stuff)
  • Convenience of enjoying the glowing algae of Master Lake without taking a horse ride.
  • All the ponies you can pet!
  • A beautiful view of the shrine to Sallana out front.
  • A even more beautiful view of Aster outside of work.
  • The chance to let Aster look even more beautiful by comparison.
  • Flirting.
If any of these sound appealing to you, and you don't mind the constant flirting, then come on down! The line starts here!

Being willing to, and good at cooking is a plus. Also having a paying job to help with living expenses is also a plus.

Being female and/or a gender confused elf is also a plus. (but absolutely not necessary)

My character, Aster Master, could use a roommate to help make Master Manor more... inhabited. This post is not in rp but rather something that will lead to rp once something has been established ooc. If you're interested then send me a private message and we'll see what happens. :D
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
I read the title and I thought


Lord of Altera

Viktor Sylvain would love to stay in a mansion instead of that ratty old inn.
I'm sure he could overlook the whole "Sallana" thing.

he's absolutely killer at parties.


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
I guess I should just say that it's not a given thing. It involves some RP so that they aren't complete strangers while also seeing if Aster even likes your character in any way.

Like, for example, He's not going to invite a person he believes to be a... well with the inability to use colorful language, a not very pleasing fellow to be around.

Best chance to get the spot: RP with Aster pretty much. From there it's a race to see who wins his friendship first.

PMs are mainly to set up convenient times so it doesn't look like meta gaming and sometimes I just feel like there is nothing online at the time.


Lord of Altera
*Vermella confirms war with Sallana*

*the biggest Sallana worshipper asks for roomies to rp with*
*sudden influx of Sallana followers*

sir do you know what youre doing