Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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dontkilpatrick - Application for Whitelisting thing.


1. Your Minecraft name: dontkilpatrick.

2. Your Real name: Lewis Kilpatrick.

3.Age: 15.


5.Country: UK.

6.Have you read the Tome of Citizenship or agree to do so before signing in the first time?:I have read some of The Tome of Citizenship, and will read the rest before I enter.

7. How do you feel about the roleplaying aspect on the server? Do you have any experience roleplaying?:I think roleplaying is fun, and makes a difference on Minecraft, and I have played the Fable games, I used to play Runescape, when I was younger.

8.Introduce yourself to the community:Erm, I've played Minecraft for a few months, my laptop was trodden on and had to be fixed whilst version 1.0 was being released, so when I got it back all my old servers were outdated. I like Rugby, Tennis and Basketball, and playing Xbox 360 and Minecraft. I think I'm a nice person, I don't verbally or pysically abuse people, so don't worry on that front. I use the proper English language, I don't spk lyk dis. I called my name dontkilpatrick as it's all I hear at school because of my surname. I'm like most teenage boys, interested in Music, Games and Girls. Mostly I'm a relaxed person and can tolerate annoying things/people.

9.Do you have any videos of your work?:I don't have any videos of my work, but the work I have done is alright.

10. Do you have anything to share?: Not particularly.

11.Are you aware that the use of black magic (xraying and xray texture packs) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?: Yes.

Thanks for reading. So, yeah, vote for me or whatever it is you do.


Lord of Altera
Please use the whitelist questions, also you'll need to add more to question 8, since it asks for 8 sentences or more about yourself.