Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Dragon Age: Inquisition


Lord of Altera
Totally, i've been waiting for it for 6 months now, checking everywhere now and then. I hope this can make up for the lack of epicness of Dragon Age 2, my favorite remaining DA : origins/awakening. I'm really pumped up for being able to oversee, and control what the Inquisition does, so I can have a feeling i'm actually taking decisions/having an impact on the story. I also appreciate that you're not a nobody, you're actually someone important. The story also seems in-depth enough, following the same pattern as the series. I am quite a fan of the Dragon Age lore & world setting to start with.

Bonus, it's set in Orlais, a france-like Empire, which i absolutely adore with all my frenchness! ^-^


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
.... I didn't think it was possible to be more excited for this game, but that theme does it. Thank you, Cherbert~ :heart: