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[Drink] Ni'p


Lord of Altera
Ni'p (Pronounced Neep)

What is it?
An alcoholic beverage made by fermenting wakel rinds in a cool dark place.

How is it made?
The melons themselves are grown in small batches in a naturally occurring cave. The dark environment coupled with the cool climate leads these melons to be particularly bitter, especially the rinds. Any soiled or otherwise unacceptable melons are discarded, and recycled as animal feed. The waste from these animals is then used to fertilize the soil for another batch of melons.
The brewing itself is done in the same cave where the melons are born, a small freshwater spring in the cave provides for both growth of the melons and fermentation. The pH balance of this water is perfectly neutral, allowing it to be ideal for all purposes.
The batches are prepared in wooden containers, each able to hold roughly one gallon of liquid. The containers are round and made of two haves, which have interlocking "teeth", and are tied together tightly with fancy knots. At either "top" end of the container is a carefully crafted one way relief valve made of reed and wood, to let out excess gasses.
The melon rinds are mashed up by hand with a smooth round stone in one half of the container, rinds are continued to be mashed in until the container half is filled. After one half is filled, water is added to the other half, then the melon half is placed over the water half of the container, whereupon the entire container is complete, and is sealed.

How long does it take to ferment?
Fermentation typically takes around three months for a batch to fully develop.

How's the taste?
The taste is both sweet and bitter at the same time.
Some might say it tastes like wakel, dirt, and turpentine, but they'd be wrong.

Where is it made?
It is specially brewed only in Eresse.

What kind of container is it typically consumed from?
Six ounce glass bottles.

Okay, that's all good...
How strong is it?
It's alcoholic percentage can vary but is usually around 23%.

Some pics?

Ni'p Fermentation Contianer
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Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
If you beefed this up, it'd be hella better.



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
My recommendation is add one or two pictures, add the phonetic spelling and wrap it all up in a lovely template. Templates are always much easier to read and get information from, so thusly it makes the person reading it enjoy it more.



Lord of Altera
Thanks K9!

I've tried to sorta make it easier to read, and I made a silly picture of the container!


Lord of Altera
I like N'ip-
I don't see any problems with this~ How common is the knowledge on how to brew it?
Both taverns in Port Silver( Is the sunk'n operational yet?) have information on how to brew it. (dunno if they have the facilities to make it themselves though)