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Dumadumaduma (farkraw) appeal for un-banning.

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Well i was banned back last year and my appeal was denied buuut ive decided to try again, just hear me out.

to start a lot of things have changed in my life from last year and ive changed i stopped hangin out with friends who grief like its their life and I also know what it feels like if your server is being griefed (since i made my own server) its not a pleasant experiance. I'm just asking to see if you will forgive me,maybe if you just kept me under watch and banned me at any sign of trouble or just denied it completely i would be fine with both of those (but i'd prefer the first one).

So just consider it ;) (please)


Hylian Thing
He didn't complain at all or try to hide it when Sally remembered him being banned. Instead he just complied and logged off like a decent mature human being. That's a good quality in my book. :)

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
You probably don't need my word since Jason is a trusted Mod, but yeah. He just accepted it and said "Oh" and then he asked to leave and he did. He even left before Sally banned him. Very mature. :)


Lord of Altera
Okay, I'm glad you've made this appeal, you were behaved when you came online and handled it very well when I told you that I had to ban you again.

I am considering unbanning you, however, a lot of things have changed around here, we even have a wikia now.
I'd like it if you could read up on things around here again:
When you can answer 3 questions I'll unban you :p.
1. What is the name of the new towns plugin we're using?
2. Please quote the first paragraph of the common law and say whether you understand it or not:
3. Do you understand that if you've kept/hidden some of your xray'd items you will be banned immediately?


1. Towny plugin ?
2. "Citizens must not seek to exploit game bugs,lag,redstone circuits and mob spawners or client/ server modifications in any way that gives them or someone else an unfair advantage." Yes I understand the common law and have read up on it again to make sure I haven't missed or misunderstood any thing.
3. Yes I do understand. (though I gave all my items on me to sally when I left)


Lord of Altera
Sorry, I went to bed.
Anyway, what I mean is, the plugin we're using for towns now, we have a forum topic for it. Try checking Altera Census.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
Sorry, I went to bed.
Anyway, what I mean is, the plugin we're using for towns now, we have a forum topic for it. Try checking Altera Census.
Slight priblem here: the wiki still has the towny pages on it and the info on the current plugin we use is only in a few paragraphs.
Also the plugin is not a standard one so people will get confused.


Lord of Altera
Alright, I suppose it isn't very obvious when yer not used to it.
So I'll change the question:
What are the two resource worlds called and how can you access them?


Slight priblem here: the wiki still has the towny pages on it and the info on the current plugin we use is only in a few paragraphs.
Also the plugin is not a standard one so people will get confused.
The ToC doesn't have towny in it though ;)


the southern wilds and eastern frontier, there is a big portal at spawn you go through that then there are two other portals inside that that will take you there
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