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Dwarven [Fortress] of Karuk-Thol



Disclaimer: Despite me being a High King, this town is build 100% legitimately. I custom terraformed the area to my liking, but I've done that to other towns too. I put in some buildings for the start up event, but I paid for every brick that was laid down and will continue to do so.

Settlement Name: The Great Dwarven Fortress of Karuk-Thol
Mayor: ikbenlars, profile:
Current Wealth: Glorious
X: -3271 Y: ~64 Z: -4395
Population: 5
Daily Tax Rate: Dwarves don't tax, they only dig gold.
Plots: Every dwarf gets their own room, we don't have private plots.

Description / Introduction:
Karuk-Thol is a reclaimed dwarven fortress that was built during the Second Era. We have a rich lore and dedicated builders. Every resident of the town is granted a sizable room to completely customize on the inside, the rest of the fortress are communal areas. You are expected to bring a cooperative roleplay attitude to the town if you wish to join. Things are done in proper discussion and only after failure to reach a concensus will I decide myself what to do. Within the town players can rise to the occasion and take initiative, just make sure you speak to the people in charge before doing it. The lore will continue to develop and I want to provide others the opportunity to grow their characters alongside the fortress itself. The plan is to grow into an active roleplay community.

Non-dwarves CAN join the fortress but the fortress is very dwarf-centric. It's perfectly fine though some of our core members are not dwarves. No elves though, unless you want to be subject to constant ridicule (an interesting roleplay opportunity !).

Background Lore:
Taken from Thyrin's Travels Volume V: Dwarves, Chapter II: The Dwarves of Karuk-Thol:
During the Second Era a group of dwarves settled in the southern arctic region in what is now called the Northern Kingdoms. Originally led by the Ironfist clan, the Ironlung clan took over some generations after its founding. They settled near a volcano and aided by it's magna they specialized in forging enchanted weapons and armour of superior quality. Their untimely demise remains a mistery, but Port Silver investigators have found evidence of Queen Grief's minions. Upon my visit the place was overrun by monsters and treacherous to cross, but it does boast an impressive scenery and view. Dared not enter the fortress itself for I am merely a traveler. There are accounts that speculate more on why their fortress fell in ruin, but these are all unverified. Should you wish to know more about them, seek out Uncle Fitz. I have included a map on the next page of this book. Safe travels, Thyrin.
What's going on:
We have only just reclaimed the Fortress and are now working on repairs and getting the essentials of the Fortress in. These are the storerooms, the smelting rooms and the residential areas.




Real life redstone crafter
That great tinkerer did it again! The fortress is now protected by a solid gate.

Come and try to break into our domain outsiders!
with your permission sire i would like to construct a pub /inn so all the dwarves (and their freinds) can come for a freindly chat and somethign strong to drink. an example of what i want to build is below it can be smaller or larger than in the picture and if you want to change anything just let me know when im building it so i can change it accordingly.
the door can open and shut depending on whether the pub is open or not and the lights can be turned on or off by using a lever in a room near the entrance. the cellar is just for storage and has not be finished in the picture it is just there for reference.


Real life redstone crafter
Erm... I hope no one minds me taking the only pumpkin from the chests. I needed it for RP yesterday :cool:


Real life redstone crafter
I'm sorry I haven't been more active. Other stuff to do :)

But every time I walk around I see HUGE stuff being done. Was just wondering, please answer honestly ;) , did the dwarves (and demons & humans) dug it all by hand?!


I'm sorry I haven't been more active. Other stuff to do :)

But every time I walk around I see HUGE stuff being done. Was just wondering, please answer honestly ;) , did the dwarves (and demons & humans) dug it all by hand?!
Yes we dug it all by hand, we got a LOT of help from other people who were not members of the town.