Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poster Dwarven Mercenary for Hire


Bored Brit
Found in most major cities and hubs of trade.


The Dwarflord; Kristoff Dwain Stenashieldar da Syggt a Irrsten, is offering military services in exchange for reward.
The Dwarflord is willing to act as a Soldier, Scout, Bounty Hunter or Bodyguard for a negotiable price. Payment is
ideally found in the form of coin or Irzis Fyr (be that ore, ingot or further refined ingot).

Alternatively, the Dwarflord is willing to act as a medium of trade between two states to facilitate the haulage of any
goods from one place to another by the skyways, however this service comes at a premium and depends entirely
upon the contents of the cargo.
