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Dwarven Trades at Tahkul-Rimtar


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
The Dwarves are trading riches from the earth at reasonable prices!
Get to our chestshops in Tahkul-Rimtar! If you need something that is not there, reply in the comments below and perhaps a chestshop will be added :D
How do you get there?
- Take the dockmaster to Tahkul-Rimtar.
- Go up towards the ruin, through the library, till you are in a central high-ceiling space.
- Go to your right and follow the curve to the left in the road.
- Go into the house to the left (a sign will say: welcome to the dwarven kingdom)
- Go down the stairs and go through the gate to the left
- Go through this cavern over the winding stairs and you'll end up in the Horgar Halls
- These halls are filled with stuff the Dwarves buy and sell. Take a look :)

The prices of ores and riches in the chestshops of Tahkul-Rimtar from your perspective (buyprice means you buy it from me. Sellprice means you sell it to me.):
. Buyprice: - Sell price:
Coal Ore: 150 for 9 - X
Iron Ore: 70 for 9 - X
Gold Ore: 120 for 9 - 60 for 9
Lapis Ore: 100 for 1 - X
Redstone Ore: 100 for 5 - X
Diamond Ore: 300 for 1 - 150 for 1

. Buyprice: - Sell price:
Coal Block: 25 for 1 - X
Iron Block: 25 for 1 - X
Gold Block: 130 for 1 - 100 for 1
Lapis Block: 35 for 1 - 50 for 1
Redstone Block: 80 for 8 - X
Diamond Block: 1350 for 1 - 900 for 1
Emerald Block: 200 for 1 - 150 for 1

There is a lot of other stuff for sale too in these giant dwarven trade-halls, like food and mob drops, building materials, etc. Come and visit us!
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An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
diamond ore and diamond blocks store have been restocked! :D Get them while they're hot!