Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Within a week or two I will start a dwarf RP on Hollow World.

Bellon and I will collaborate on writing the background lore. In short there used to be a great dwarven kingdom that got destroyed in the last battle with Queen Grief. Port Silver has sheltered the leftover dwarves until now, but now they will set out to retake their former glory. After that anything that happens will be the new history.

The Dwarven High King will be played by yours truly. People from all walks of life are free to join in and help.

Expect lots of digging, beer, grand halls, floor sweeping, being ordered around, carrying me around on a throne, worshipping Korog, containing demon invasions for digging to deep, treating dwarves with redstone sickness for mining to long, diplomatic trips to other towns, dwarf

You are expected to bring cooperative spirit, roleplay attitude and a sense of humor. Requirements are a willingness to fulfill your role and have fun.

I should add that we all have a serious distrust of elves.

To clarify: This will be a permanent town, not a one time event.


The Lunarch
I'm not a dwarf, but I'd love to help out with the building side (if it is needed) Once I'm done with Kruziik.


Admin au Naturale
As long as the dwarves you get to boss around are a little smarter than DF ones, and you dont end up with something like this happening...

Engraved on the wall is an exceptionally designed image of a dwarf and cheese. The dwarf is devouring the cheese.


the dwarves you get to boss around are a little smarter than DF ones
The differance between a Dwarf and a Dorf is in the interpritation of the sentance "Your idea is utteraly insane and will result in much bloodshed and loss of life and mostlikely end with the utter shame of falure"

A Dwarf would think "hmmn, this is a bad idea, back to the dwarving bord"
A Dorf however thinks "This is going to be so much FUN!"

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Iam settled in nicely ta Uthrandir, and Ia follow no king. Iam mai own dwarf, and ye best remember that, ye bloody monk. If'n I join, twill be for me own benefit, I like mai solitude.


Iam settled in nicely ta Uthrandir, and Ia follow no king. Iam mai own dwarf, and ye best remember that, ye bloody monk. If'n I join, twill be for me own benefit, I like mai solitude.
Well sod off yer fat elf lovin half dwarf !! I don't need ya, yer better off serving them pansy wizards and their magics. Ye'd only be good fer scrubbin ma floor anyway.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Hmph, Ia'd like at meet the person who think I be an elf-lover! Ia'm mai own dwarf, as Ia said, and if ye insult me again, Iall take mai mace to yer old, fat self while yer in that throne. And for the record, Ia don't srcub floors, Ia make ye do it.


Resigned Admin
Lars, I swear; we think on the same wavelength, sometimes.
I was hoping to create a great, abandoned dwarf city (rp place, nobody would live there) if I ever finished Aspendale/the Pende Arcis. Of course I'm not going to finish them, so I'm glad to see someone else doing it :D
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