Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[E2] Vidar


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
IGN: blargtheawesome

Character Name: The name he was born with was "Vidar Alekov." However, he doesn't go by that name anymore and adopts different guises depending on his inclination. Carmine, Merlot, White Eyes, etcetera.

Character Profile: (though it is out of date)

Intended School: Animancy, Occultism.

Intended Specialization: I've not entirely made up my mind what direction I want to go. I know I want him to do occultism stuff, but I want to be kind of flexible going forward.

Desired Passive/Knack: Vidar casts no shadow. Instead sometimes a shadowy double appears when he is casting spells, or otherwise when dramatically appropriate. The shadowy double is incorporeal, and does not interact with anything whatsoever beside for being visible. If someone touches it, their hand passes cleanly through it. If they try to look through it, they find that the shadow disperses where necessary to not obstruct their vision. It does not advance or grow stronger as he increases in echelon, expect perhaps to be more dramatic.

Mentor’s IGN: Kurzik
Mentor’s Character Name: Melarue Lydril
Mentor’s Mage Profile:

03/01/2023 - became e1
04/11/2023 - became e2
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