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Earkz'Dok's explanation for the past few months.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
(As I've returned to the server, going to explain/sum-up Earkz'Dok's current standing).

Oguk was over-thrown by one of his sons, Oguk Jr. Oguk now banished would become a pirate and spend his time pillaging and banditing thr oceans.

After Oguk Jr conquered the throne, Oglub would build and lead a rebellion. After months of civil war and small skirmishes, Oglub fought his way into the palace and killed Oguk Jr during a 1v1 duel to the death. Oglub then executed Oguk Jr's followers and began to restore Earkz'Dok.

Just as things seemed to be improving, Oglub passed away. Leaving Earkz'Dok with no leader and the whole Earkzian Empariz fell apart. Riots and battles plagued the once glorious empire. News passed along to Oguk, who instantly set sail to his old Kingdom. Oguk has now took back his throne and is trying to re-build his empire.

A much older but wiser Oguk (wrinkles and bad-ass beard included) has two main issues to solve as he begins to fix his empire.
1. Much of his family are dead and he's worried that he may be the last Pakgu. Now all his own children have died one way or another he begins searching for his grandchildren in hope he's not alone.
2. Another Earthspawn, has attempted to rally the race so he can build his own Earthspawn empire. Oguk, angry at the idea of being replaced can only think of war.

(Feel free to comment IC as the past few wars in between Earthspawn leaders would be well known, the return of Oguk would also be kinda hyped).
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King Oguk

Earthspawn King
(If an admin reads this can they change the "fir" in the title to "for". iPod's are annoying to type on!)
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Magus of Nothing
The Greyling, Fadast, Czhelk, or whatever name you know it by would seek an audience with his Earthspawn friend.