Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Echelon One] Jastae Sub'Kilk


The Alchemist
Staff member

IGN: OnlyWater_
Character Name: Jastae Sub'kilk
Character Profile: The Frightened.
Intended School: Animancy.
Intended Specialization:Spritualism.
Desired Passive/Knack:
  • [ Ancestral Guidance | Echelon One ] Bridging the mystical divide between the living and the departed, Jastae is perpetually intertwined with the spirits of her ancestors. As she delves deeper into her magical essence, a unique transformation occurs: whenever she exercises her power or invokes a spell, her eyes shimmer in a mesmerizing shade of amethyst, trailing tendrils of lilac mist. Her garments, touched by this arcane connection, bear an ethereal resemblance to the attire of ancient Nakam seers, who once roamed the lands before her. These clothes pulse and ripple, disintegrating into slow, purple wraith-like wisps that trail behind her. They can oscillate between the realms of solidity and ethereality, giving her an otherworldly, ghostly appearance, as if she were caught between two dimensions. This spectral display is but an aesthetic testament to her deep bond with her ancestors, and serves no mechanical benefit.
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