Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Edward McKinnon - What'cha See is What'cha Get

Edward McKinnon





165 Lbs

Dark Brown (Confused with black sometimes)


A tan of sorts. Edward spent most of his young life as a LumberJack, therefore he had very tan skin. Now he serves his time as a priest, and his tan has leveled out over the years.

Identifying Marks:
He has a scar on his right leg from a logging accident. He felled a tree incorrectly, but lucky for him it was Sweet Gum, which doesn't grow to be too large.

Edward McKinnon holds a gentleman's posture. He looks gruff due to his beard but has a kind heart. His hands are that of a hard laborer, the same can be said of his feet. The grey's of his hair come from the many young, inexperienced loggers that attempt the greatest and largest Pine in the forest, alone. McKinnon dresses appropriately to every occasion, whether that be a drinking party at a pub or dinner with the king.

Making friends has always been McKinnon's strong suit. Solving arguments between two sides is also a strength he possesses. If he cannot solve an argument, he can at least be a mediator helping each side see the other side's argument in a clear and rational way.

Weaknesses and fears:
With not much to fear in life, due to his faith in the gods, he does fear nonetheless. His greatest is losing the one's closest to him, albeit friends or family. His greatest weakness is that of his right leg. Ever since his logging incident, he has not been able to bounce around as he once did.

Religion and cults:
Edward McKinnon is polytheistic. He is open to new gods because if there were only one, that would leave room for failure.

Edward McKinnon is a man of two professions. That of a lumberjack and priest.