Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ella Hawklight


Lord of Altera
Name: Ella Lunalail Hawklight
Nickname/Alias: Ella

Age: 2
Gender: female
Race: Shifter, fairy, and bird thingy
Height: A little less than 2 feet
Weight: 25 pounds
Hair: blonde
Eyes: emerald green
Skin: pale
Identifying Marks:Emerald green eyes and feathered black wings
Appearance: usually wearing a blue dress, Ella has blonde hair and bright green eyes. Her feathered wings, like an angel's, flow behind her, flapping when she is happy. She is only a child.
Strengths: Shifting and quickly learning new things
Weaknesses and fears: The dark, bad people, fire, lava, creepers, etc.
Religion and cults: Harateth and The witch
Profession: A toddler....
Born in the midst of her mother's murder, Ella is still a young one. When her mother, Mady, was murdered, ella was sent to live with Alaila Nible, who raised her. Her father, Zanros Hawklight, keeps a close eye on his daughter, making sure she takes good care of his soul, enclosed in an apple. With nearly all of Witches Brew and Del keeping watch over Ella, she is bound into the enclosure of the safety of others. Ella still wonders what truly happened to her mother, and one day hopes to avenge her. Ella also really loves Alaila's cake.