Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Eranf12 - Application [Declined - JustShadow]

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1. What is your minecraft username? -Eranf12
2. How old are you? -23
3. What gender are you? -male
4. What country do you live in? -USA -California

5a. Do you agree to read our Survival Guide before logging onto the server? -yup
5b. Do you agree to consult both our Tome of Citizenship and Everything you need to know page before asking any questions in the game? -ill try my best so... yup
6. Please provide a lengthy in-character introduction.

Eran:Eran, also known as the White Reaper(previously known as "Ace of Spades"), is a Human who gained Remarkable assassin skills over his life span.

Eran is a young man, with brown hair and dark green eyes. When off duty, Eran can be seen in the casual attire of a lonesome traveler. When operating as an Assassin, however, Eran dons a black, Arrow proof trench coat with a hood that masks his face.

Eran is a calculating Assassin. Unusual for a killer, Eran exhibits and sometimes acts upon emotions. Eran also has a huge appetite, often surprising people with how much he can eat. Despite having the skills and brutality of an Assassin, Eran still has his human emotions. He deeply cares for his missing wife, Monique (also a skilled assassin), and searches for her after her disappearance. As a member of the Assassin order, Eran regularly takes on false identities and personas for his missions and day to day life, such as Eranf12: a good-natured, timid lone traveler who tries to help others but otherwise generally keeps to himself.

During His assassination attempt on the king, Monique went missing with the rest of Eran's team. Eran then came into possession of Monique's powerful blade and took over as the new "White Reaper". He continued to serve the Assassin order in hopes of finding out what happened at the King's domain, and more importantly what happened to his wife. Eran also has a past history with the Lord of Casterly Rock and former Assassin Order co-worker, Tywin_Lannister. Before he became an Assassin, Eran was a caring man who looked after his young wife Monique. Although Eran hated killing, he did so anyway so as to be with his wife, and not view her as just a senseless killer. He became so good at fighting, that even before he obtained his new blade, he became known as "Ace of Spades".

-Peak Athlete: Eran's Assassin skills are especially useful because of his amazing agility, speed, endurance, dexterity, and natural strength.
-Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Eran is obviously extremely skilled in martial arts and is an accomplished acrobat easily able to do back flips and mid-air cartwheels with little effort in terms of physical strain. Eran's natural abilities are so impressive that even without his Assassin skills Eran is easily able to take on other opponents. A combination of these physical attributes coupled with what appears to be the most skillful assassin In the world, as well as a lack of obeisance arguably makes Eran the strongest Assassin of the land.

7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, what your interests and/or hobbies are and why you would like to be a part of our community in around 8 sentences or more. You do not have to disclose any personal information if you don't want to, but we'd just like to know what kind of person you are.

-OH HI COMMUNITY :D My name is Eranf12 and I'm just here to see how RP works within minecraft. I am 23 years of age and co-own my own graphic design studio, here's a little taste:

My life mainly consists of work, girlfriend, working out, watching anime and other shows on TV, hanging out with my pals and pretty much sleeping or playing something in the rest of my free time. I recently had gotten engaged to my beautiful girlfriend, the wedding arrangements have not yet been made.. haha. I have one cat named charlie and even though he can be annoying as hell by sleeping on my chest while I sleep, I still love him for his cuteness and his cleverness (he can turn on my computer if I ask haha..). I am a fair anime fan, Mainly for the many art styles; One of my favorites is "Code Geass" I like it for it's dark at times yet light at other times feel and really engaging story, that by the end... kinda makes you cry... ughm *cough* *cough* If your a cry kind of guy I mean... haha...
Mainly I just like spending my free time, and minecraft can be good for that (and my girlfriend... that also plays it... so yaya :D). I have been with minecraft almost since the beginning about what? three years ago? and enjoyed every moment of it ^_^. I have admined countless servers (8-9), some small some big; the main fault in all of them was that the owners reached drama issues and the server would just fall apart.
except that I don't really know where to expand; what I can say is that I produce a machinima channel by the name of "PrettyAwesomeStudio" which currently releasing the "minechinima" Into The Rabbit's Hold(look it up, you might like it :3).
So yeah.. take me in :D.... or else :D.... :D.....

8. Do you have any examples of your work and creativity, either in minecraft or outside? You can attach them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.
I help make this show:

9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?

Umm.. I used to admin for a long period of time for a server known as "BattleCraft" (it was the top PVP server in the world like a year or so ago)

10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense? -yup :3 (never use it anyway XD)

11. How did you find out about our server? server lists :p

12. Have you voted for us? I did for the purpose of this application


Hello There!

Your N*6 is a little short, and its not really your characters history, just a little bit of what hes about. Try making it longer and more back-story-ish. If you need help try looking at mine:
Remind me why I need this to get into the server again?... A simple application should be all that is needed.... :/
this is kinda over doing it if you're gonna ask for such detail...


I think I might like it here
Well that way only good and experienced role players join and not noobs who say "my name is cat_rapist_69 and I like blowing your mom up with tnt." Getting white-listed takes time, that way griefer noobs cant join because they think its a waste of time to sign up just to get banned. The White-List is annoying yes, but needed.


Lord of Altera
Well that way only good and experienced role players join and not noobs who say "my name is cat_rapist_69 and I like blowing your mom up with tnt." Getting white-listed takes time, that way griefer noobs cant join because they think its a waste of time to sign up just to get banned. The White-List is annoying yes, but needed.
=.= Was that really necessary?


Well that way only good and experienced role players join and not noobs who say "my name is cat_rapist_69 and I like blowing your mom up with tnt." Getting white-listed takes time, that way griefer noobs cant join because they think its a waste of time to sign up just to get banned. The White-List is annoying yes, but needed.
I think what you said is really over kill... also you shouldn't be the one criticizing here; it seems you are just as new as I am to this server and if the admins had an issue with what I said, I'd rather they said it.
Plus I put a fair amount of information and time into my application; your argument is pointless.


I think I might like it here
I did not mean that post in a mean or offensive manor, if you read the home page it mentions the name "cat_rapist_69", therefore I was just half quoting what the admins said. I added the tnt part yes but what I said is a valid answer to your question: Remind me why I need this to get into the server again?... A simple application should be all that is needed.... :/ I answered this question in a stern 'voice' yes, but yet again it was a valid answer.

Im sorry you feel the need to cry over a comment.


I did not mean that post in a mean or offensive manor, if you read the home page it mentions the name "cat_rapist_69", therefore I was just half quoting what the admins said. I added the tnt part yes but what I said is a valid answer to your question: Remind me why I need this to get into the server again?... A simple application should be all that is needed.... :/ I answered this question in a stern 'voice' yes, but yet again it was a valid answer.

Im sorry you feel the need to cry over a comment.
I'm a man of business, sadly I do not like to be stepped on -_-.
It's all based on a point of view preference, I'd rather someone with expirance would tell me what I did wrong; not someone as new as me...

but thanks, I accept your apology .


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Blueraid, although you pointed out the reason for our extensive Whitelist application requirements pretty correctly, you could have said that in a more friendly and welcoming manner. This is not really helping. I even got a complaint about it (not from eranf12).
I Can't really say anymore without revealing personal info... so...
That's exactly what we are looking for, a bit more personal information. We like to know what kind of people we allow on the server since we will be spending a lot of time together.


Blueraid, although you pointed out the reason for our extensive Whitelist application requirements pretty correctly, you could have said that in a more friendly and welcoming manner. This is not really helping. I even got a complaint about it (not from eranf12). That's exactly what we are looking for, a bit more personal information. We like to know what kind of people we allow on the server since we will be spending a lot of time together.
hmm ok, I'll try expanding on that.


Zalenfal Guardian
Declined. Your RP introduction isn't - it's a vague storyline, but doesn't introduce your character whatsoever.
Also, your description of yourself is lacking a lot. It says 8 sentences at least. So that means do 8 sentences at least.


Declined. Your RP introduction isn't - it's a vague storyline, but doesn't introduce your character whatsoever.
Also, your description of yourself is lacking a lot. It says 8 sentences at least. So that means do 8 sentences at least.
Goddamnit XD I was fixing it while you posted that.... eh..

*P.S. I did admining before.. no reason to be so harsh :/


you pointed out the "8 sentences at least." and with the underline it looks like you meant it in an harsh manner; I was just saying that I used to be an admin, and I know how annoying whitelisting can be... but you could have easily just told me to fix that (as i was doing so while you declined my application).


Zalenfal Guardian
you pointed out the "8 sentences at least." and with the underline it looks like you meant it in an harsh manner; I was just saying that I used to be an admin, and I know how annoying whitelisting can be... but you could have easily just told me to fix that (as i was doing so while you declined my application).
I underlined it because you didn't do it correctly, so I assumed you had not seen it. Regardless, this application is declined. Feel free to reapply. But I read through your updated version, and it's still not acceptable.
Firstly, assassins are second on the list of overused RP characters (under orphans).
Secondly, Medieval names don't have numbers or underscores in them.
Third, have you asked Tywin if you can edit his RP backstory to have it comply with yours?
Fourth and final, there is no Casterly Rock, nor is there a Tywin Lannister. This is simply his title and forum username. Which has nothing to do with roleplay.

If you are to reapply, please take these things into consideration.
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