Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Eredyrn the Hunter


Lord of Altera
Name: Eredyrn Emyn
Nickname/Alias: Eredyrn
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Race: Human (although Humans on Elenath, the country from which he came, called themselves "Elenethians").
Height: 5" 8'
Weight: 137 pounds
Hair: Light brown, usually messy and is almost always covered by his cloak.
Eyes: Blue
Skin: White
Identifying Marks: Nothing really, as almost his entire body is clothed.
Appearance: He wears a dark green cloak and a gray tunic. He has two belts: one that goes across his waist and one that goes over his shoulder. His face is covered by a dark gray mask almost all the time.
Strengths: He is excellent at archery, and is able to use a sword efficiently, although it is not his primary choice of weapon. He also has good eyesight.
Weaknesses and fears:
Weaknesses: Although able to use a sword, he cannot win a fight against a master swordsman. He also cannot lift many heavy objects. In addition, he is not good at teaching.
Fears: He is afraid of sentient lifeforms that are over 10 feet tall (stems from a battle in one of the wars he fought in). Although growing up in a forest, he dislikes birds. Another fear that he is trying to overcome is complete darkness; darkness in which one cannot even see his hand in front of him.
Religion and cults: None. Religion has never been a major part in his culture.
Profession: In Elenath, his homeland, he fought as a soldier during wars. In his free time, he hunted animals and gave their spoils to his brother to sell in his shop.

-coming soon-
