Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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ethane007's Re-Application [Accepted - Jase]

Ethan Elliott

Lord of Altera
1. What is your Minecraft username?

2. Where is your last approved Whitelist Application?
as per request refer to this link:

3. Have you re-read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides again?
I have re-read the King's Law, Code of conduct, the updated official lore and player guides ensuring that my knowledge is sufficiently up to date

4. Tell us about yourself!
To be completely honest, not much has changed since I last was here, aside from now being in my third year of University in Microbiology with a specialization in bacterial and viral pathogenesis. Much like years ago, I still enjoy flying, having now held a full PPL for two years and completed my aerobatic endorsement during the summer months, nothing pleases me as much as getting friends of mine over their fear of flying by sustaining some inverted flight. I did previously get quite into sport climbing but as with most things, Covid-19 put a stern hold to that.
If we were to touch on the RP side of things, I'm currently lucky and/or unlucky enough to be involved in two campaigns at the moment. The first I'm merely a player but the second, the one I DM, is a year worth of homebrew finally being put to use. Building an entire world, heritage and story has been something I've put on the backburner as a side project and finally I decided to try it out with a bunch of first timers. I've only managed to near wipe them once so far.

The Character
To Start I'll be using a new character.

Name: Dorrick Bavel
Race: Human
Age: 24
Appearance: Standing a 5'11" With fair skin, Dirty, brown with streaks of black, short well kept hair, deep brown eyes the rightmost of which sits a scar adjacent from a run-in with a wild boar as a young child.
Dorrick stands slim but toned perhaps not the most intimidating looking character but certainly not that of a twig. Rarely will he bee seen wearing anything but his dark brown jacket and hood accompanied by his forest floor colored pants, laden with pouches and loops.

Dorrick Bavel was born in a small village several days north of Mockingbay. Dorrick was raised to common family, his father and spent their days working the farm while his mother tended to the travelers inn they ran. In his younger years Dorrick would assist is mother, stoking the fire and caring for guests. Through his time talking with them he learned to read and write as many visitors were merchants. He was the only one in the family of six to do so. This skill helped shape Dorrick's younger years, despite the turmoil that frequented Altera, he found himself reading every book he could get a hold of, history, nature war. The joy of reading was what mattered to him, not the contents themselves.

As he grew, Dorrick began to help his father on the farm more. Through this he learned how to tell if a crop was ready to be harvested, what ground best suit, to birth a calf and a foal. By the time Dorrick was nine he had become the household all-rounder, able to entertain the guests with conversation and manage the farm with ease. This was something his two brothers lacked and his sister never got the chance to learn.
One particular night however, is what set Dorrick on his current path. He had tended to an elvish looking man outside, perhaps in his 70's. the man pointed to the sky and asked Dorrick" The stars, what can you see in them?"
Dorrick provided a rather timid and uncertain answer one he does not even remember. "Child, you take the question too literally. Look up" he said as he began to trace a shape in the stars, "These stars are the Pilgrim's path. They were said to guide the way of all who seek to prove their fate. But more than that they hold great history and value. By looking at these stars one can know where on the continent they are." The mans name was Einháil Mísch and after much discussion with his parents, took Dorrick under his tuition.

From him Dorrick learned to hunt, to use a bow, to hide amongst his surroundings and to track prey. But more than that he learned to be thoughtful, considerate and fair. Dorrick spent many years with him. Until one fateful trip, Dorrick left to accompany Einháil to meet with a tinkerer who said he had plans which could greatly improve the village's watermill. Many days passed uneventfully. After a quiet night, both men stargazing and speaking of the past and future sleep befell them both, Dorrick sprawled out on his roll mat and Einháil in his trance. When morning broke Dorrick awoke to see Einháil not as normal but motionless, face down in the ground. He was cold to the touch. Dorrick returned to his village, Einháil's corpse in tow and buried him with his own ancestors, the blessing given by the rest of Dorrick's family. Since this event Dorrick has felt lost and uncertain.
He decided, with Bow in hand, that he needed to find his purpose and set about travelling Altera.