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Event Ideas(For Azerport)

Sovenas Ark

Loyal Servant of Altera
Event Ideas

Here's a good place for anyone who wants to to give any advice on fun, peacetime event ideas. The ideas that have been put forward so far are:
  • A feast
  • Music and dancing
  • Apple bobbing and other "party games" (vague, party game suggestions welcome)
  • Dice games
    • Tideborne's offered to help with gambling
  • A jousting tournament
  • Gladiatorial area, wheel of hope
  • Day of the Hunt - Hunting event, ending with a feast
  • Tickle Fight (Hmm... Yesgewd)
Sally's full ideas
  • Festival of Flowers
  • Festival of Food (Sounds like a good old potluck~)
  • Market Day
  • Boat Race
  • Pig Race
  • Scavenger Hunt

Any new ideas, whether from citizens of Azerport or not, are welcome and appreciated~
I'm taking these ideas so that we might be able to arrange more events in Azerport, hopefully events that as many people as possible would find interesting.
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Settling in Altera
you should have a Gladiatorial area with the wheel of Hope. Which is what I call for a giant pin wheel that gives an advantage and disadvantage


Lord of Altera
This thread makes me happy-

Festival of X

X =
Flowers - Put flowers everywhere, ask everyone to either hold a flower or dress in bright colours
Food - This one's obvious- food party. I guess it'd be like a feast but everyone brings different foods?

Market day - Have a large square that's usually empty but bring out loads of stalls for this, and let everyone in town setup shop if they want to. I'd recommend colour coding the stalls for easier navigation-
Boat race? - Azerport does have a lot of water-
Pig race - For fun xD, eat the loser pigs-

Sovenas Ark

Loyal Servant of Altera
So far the ideas I'm liking are:
  • Festival of Food/Feast
    • Celebrate the harvest
    • Lots of the food involved will have crops that were planted during the year
  • Festival of Flowers
    • Possibly involving a colorful parade or some such
    • To celebrate the dead Dia de Los Muertos style?
      • Set out a vase with one flower for each dead loved one
      • Rumored that on this day the dead live vicariously through their loved ones
      • Feast, dancing, and music
  • Festival of Games
    • Find a bunch of games that could be played, such as chess, checkers, tons that were listed in the link Landem put forward.
    • Seperate games for adults and children, if there are enough children to attend the event.
    • Scavenger Hunt here?
  • Day of the Hunt
    • A day for hunting
      • Possibly a bit competitive
    • With a feast at the end using what was caught during the day.
  • A catch-all festival, possibly to celebrate Azerport's founding, that could involve:
    • Party Games
    • Gambling
    • Feasting
    • Dancing
  • Perhaps a festival to celebrate Azerport's trade and such over the ocean with a boat race?
  • Jousting Tournament (Which could also involve combat on foot a-la arena style
    • Something that might take a few days or not
    • Get up some hype, advertise, and get people to participate so there's enough people for a proper tournament
    • Perhaps other activities involved, like a feast at the end to celebrate the victor, or even other forms of entertainment, like juggling, jesters, etc.
Anyone who wants to put forth suggestions on elaborations for these ideas are welcome to, as well as any more event suggestions, of course~
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