Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I think I might like it here
Name: Ezekiel
Nickname/Alias: Anyone care to give me one?
Age: He doesn't remember
Gender: Male
Race: Reaper
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 120 lbs (due to the reapers' skeletal origins
Hair: None
Eyes: Dark Violet
Skin: Gray-White
Identifying Marks: Stitched up gray hood and cloak
Appearance: skeletal, very thin.
Strengths: He doesn't remember
Weaknesses and fears: Amnesiac and can't remember anything in his life before a few months ago. Headstrong sometimes.
Religion and cults: Disciple of Segmon

Profession: Trying to find one that he excels at. Currently trying to create statues. Alignment: Neutral, but with ethics. The Reapers are skeletons who have rebelled against Skraag and learned the ways of humans, and become civilized. However, due to divine manipulation, reapers have come from lives untouched by undeath.