Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Farmer Town Belka


Loyal Servant of Altera
Settlement Name: Belka

Mayor: Royo_Royal

Current Wealth: Low (under 20,000Rads)

X: Y: Z:

Population: 4

Link to location on map:

Daily Tax Rate: 0 %

Cheapest Plot Cost: 0

Biggest Plot Cost: 0

Description / Introduction:

This is Belka. The Island Base to the Black Sword Mercenary group.

Screenshots: come later on

Residents: Royo_Royal, Darthcorey, Captain_de_zanta , Katpaws

More Info: More info will come later on


Settling in Altera
He did make Lindisfarne. And it was fantastic for what it was, but after his leaving the server for a while it was given to someone else for the time. And when he came back he was gracious enough to not demand it back and he played with us as a member of the town for a while. What is now Ama Rivetos isn't exactly the flavor of play that is for Royo and he created a new town trying to turn a new leaf and become a farmer. Seems to have lasted a long time huh Royo? Mister leader of the Black Swords? Or are you still even doing that lol?


Settling in Altera
So just curious. What's going down with Belka and moving to the new map? I know you're going to hate me but the town of Ama Rivetos is going back to more of a Viking town. The monastery is porting over and we're rebuilding the rest of the town viking style around it. I may even have to rename it again :confused:


Loyal Servant of Altera
So just curious. What's going down with Belka and moving to the new map? I know you're going to hate me but the town of Ama Rivetos is going back to more of a Viking town. The monastery is porting over and we're rebuilding the rest of the town viking style around it. I may even have to rename it again :confused:
haha nice =) well Belka is going to Not get moved


Bandit Overlord
So just curious. What's going down with Belka and moving to the new map? I know you're going to hate me but the town of Ama Rivetos is going back to more of a Viking town. The monastery is porting over and we're rebuilding the rest of the town viking style around it. I may even have to rename it again :confused:
Again :p


Settling in Altera
Yes again lol. The tyrannical rule of Tchel is over! New times require new titles. Maybe not we'll see. But with Belka gone what will you do Royo? Where will you go?!