Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Fiver555's Whitelist Request [Declined - Sally]

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Hello Hollow World's community. I am fiver555 in minecraft and my real name is Daniel Bryant. I am male, and i live in the UK and I am 15 years of age. I understand that Holloworld has a strong RPG community and I would love to join in on your adventures. I have always loved roleplay in videogames but have always struggled to find a good game to do so in, and Minecraft just seems to be the perfect solution. Because of this, I agree to all your rules and promise to be a good member of your community. If I am accepted to join you, I will be a valuable member of your team as I am very serious when in Character, partially due to taking drama in GCSE level, and I am respected among my peers because of this. I am not ashamed to admit I am not the best builder in Minecraft, but building is only part of the experience. My current skin is a Crusader so fits the scene well. I found out about your group by searching for a Roleplay server on minecraft all over the net.

I hope you choose to accept me soon, as much as i hope to be joining your community!
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